Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

An Apple A Day

 Happy Thursday to all and to all a good, um, day? Well, it's Fall. I mean, yeah, it was official like a week ago, but today feels like Fall. The crisp cool air, hazy and rainy, leaves are a'changin'- yup! Fall....ahhhhhhh. Breathe it in. With Fall comes so many good things- pumpkins and colors and hay rides and bonfires and s'mores (I will be working on a LF version, have not a fear) and then the holidays. This is my favorite time of the year. And for some odd reason, it is always the best time for me to kick start my diet.

 Sure, I'm aware that there are nasty temptations just waiting to plead with me to be eaten. Why, there's already caramel apples (which I've almost convinced myself is a healthy product- after all, the bulk of the treat is an apple and those are healthy) and apple cider out there. Of course, stores these days start stocking the shelves full of Halloween goodies the minute the 4th of July is over (some stores really do this and it's a little much, if you ask me). Then, the holidays. And not just any holidays- we're talkin' about the biggies here, folks! Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm pretty sure that the national average for pounds gained between November and January is somewhere around a million pounds per person.

 So, it does seem insane that this of all times, is the time of the year during which I'm most likely to get on track with WW, but true it be. See, there are so many tasty morsels you can enjoy while not adding to your waistline. Pumpkin-based items are a hit during the season and you can do so much with pumpkin. From Autumn Muffins (the recipe of the week last week), Impossible Pumpkin Pie (it's a LF treat and I'll post the recipe this month), Pumpkin Soup (which if made right, can be nearly no points) and Pumpkin bread (this last one is the most challenging to de-fat and de-calorize, but it CAN be done). 

 This month, it is my goal to make at least one pumpkin-based item each week and make it LF. If you have recipes that you want me to work on or suggestions for already-LF recipes, send them my way! Whoever submits the best recipe wins a prize (shhh...don't tell them it's a thumbs up and a shout out on my blog! tee hee).

 Here's to Fall...Here's to you All!

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