Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Weekend Outings- Whatchya Gonna Do When They Come For YOU?

 This weekend I will be spending a great part of it away from home. We're traveling to the St. Louis area to visit family and it's got me thinking- how do you plan when you're out of town and at the whim of those around you? It's tough to travel and stay on any weight loss plan. Grabbing a bite at any given fast food restaurant is just too easy when you're on the go. So, how do you plan? The answer is- you may not be able to plan, but you can be prepared.

 I've been thinking about how I'm going to handle it. We're leaving Saturday evening and my guess is we'll have dinner before we go, but that's not guarantee (and I'm not sure I'm even right- I left the planning up to the husband and the father-in-law and I can hear ladies the world over sighing together- NEVER let a man make the plans). So I literally have no idea how many points to plan for anything. So here is how I'm preparing:

  1. I'm taking low point granola bars with me as well as a few 100-cal snack packs. I figure I can always eat a bar for breakfast Sunday and if I'm able to eat healthier (and for less points) than I'm imagining, I can always fill in the rest of my daily points with these treats.
  2. I'm stowing away an apple or two because they're such handy treats! Plus they're filling and if we're going out to eat (and rest assured we likely will Sunday before we head home) I can eat one before we go so that I'm not starving (Read: prepared to eat a whole cow if the waitress/waiter doesn't bring the food fast enough) when we arrive.
  3. I'm taking bottled water with those fun little drink mixes that cost you no points at all. I always feel fuller and longer satisfied when I drink a bottle of water with one of those itty-bitty packets stirred in.

 I think these tips are going to carry me through the weekend! So, Happy Weekend to all, and to all a good, uh, Weekend! Meet you back here Monday morning!

 P.S. So I got these brand new, absolutely rockin' jeans that fit me oh-so-perfectly (except they're a bit long, but when you're 4-foot nuthin' that happens) and I've been shakin' my groove thang all morning! There isn't anything like a good pair of jeans!