Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bipolar Weather, Bipolar Diet

  I think Mother Nature is having a bit of a hormonal imbalance this week. One day it's raining, the next is sunshiney, and the next it's blustery (thanks, Nancy, for the word) cold and rainy again. She just can't make up her mind. So it is with this diet, er, journey. One day I'm dedicated, devout Diet Diva. The next I'm the coveting, cowardly Cake-eater! What IS the matter with me? Before you jump to the hormonal imbalance theory I waged for MNat, please consider that perhaps it's just a matter of adjustment.

 I have read many an article that stresses the importance of being ready to lose weight before you begin trying. The more you fail the more likely you are to fail again, to be discouraged and depressed. Well, I've got news for them! I was BORN ready. So, why the struggle? Well, I've been a bit, shall we say, melancholy lately and I didn't realize it until Robb continually asked me yesterday what was wrong. I couldn't exactly put my finger on it. I wasn't necessarily tired. I feel fine. I wasn't angry at him (although I'm sure if pushed, I could come up with something- haha). I just feel, blah. Could it be MNat's bipolar weather of late? Actually, I don't think so.

 It's really hard to cook the meals you want to cook and plan the way you need to plan when you are now imposing your journey onto someone else. So I talked it over with Robb and I figured out that what I need is to be able to be a bit, well, selfish. I'm going to have to start being able to cook the healthy foods I crave, that make it easier for me, even if he doesn't like them. His response- do it. If he doesn't like what I'm making he'll make himself something else. Now, how is THAT for support?! It never occurred to me that we could eat different things for dinner (and you know something, it isn't rocket science, for crying out loud- I think I could have figured this out before). To further aid me in my endeavors, he has decided that he, too, will begin a regimen of eating healthier and exercising. Much to my surprise (and leaving me slightly chagrined) he has decided we will start getting up earlier as of Monday morning and we will both exercise. We don't have to do the same thing, but we will do it, nonetheless.

 I'll have to report back Tuesday to see if he survives stealing what precious-little sleep I currently get now. Will he survive? Will I actually exercise? Will MNat ever get her hormones in check? I don't know. It's a mystery. 10-4, over and out.

P.S. I will be back tomorrow, fear not.


  1. Thank goodness you will be back tomorrow! And thanks for the new poll :) I love polls! They are fun, heehee. A big fat high five to Robb for joining you on your quest! I hope he sticks to it, for your sake so it's easier for you, plus for him too, exercise is just good for you! I think it will help the dieting and eating better easier too.
