Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Forget the Boy...Let's Hear It For the Girl!

That's right, folks! I made it the whole weekend and managed to stay within my points! It's quite a victory if I do say so myself. I'm really hoping for another super-sparkly kinda day on Weighs Day! Whoo hoo!

So, Friday night I made hamburgers and potato wedges that were healthy for everyone involved. I had plenty of points but still wanted to be healthy. I ate my hamburger on only half of the bun to save points. Buns can be such point-suckers! Plus, they're so bulky and I liked it better this way. Here's the recipe for my potato wedges:

Kendy's Fantastically Fat-Defying Potato Wedges

6-8 russets potatoes (depending on # of peeps and size of pots)
Butter-flavored non-stick cooking spray
Seasoning of your choice

Wash potatoes off and pierce with a fork several times. Put on glass plate and microwave for 8 minutes. Remove (be careful- those spuds are H-O-T!) Cut potatoes in half, lengthwise. Turn each half flesh side down and cut into 3 wedges, lengthwise. I usually cut those wedges in half too unless the potato was small enough that the wedges aren't too large. Now, the old recipe called for tossing in canola oil. Instead I spread the wedges all over a large baking sheet that I sprayed well with the non-stick cooking spray. Then spray over the tops of the potatoes. Season and stick in a preheated 475 degree oven, bake for 20-25 minutes or until browning. Be extra careful- I stuck my face down by the oven as I opened it once and it literally melted my mascara which fused my lashes together. That wasn't fun!

Saturday I was trying to eat very low point because I was anticipating a meal out with the family down in St. Louis. I totally stuck to my points (actually even coming in a bit under on Saturday which is a no-no). Sunday morning I ate a granola bar and drank some coffee with a bit of pumpkin spice creamer (mmmmm...mmmm). Sunday afternoon I have to say that there weren't any healthy choices for lunch, although it was an incredibly tasty meal. We ate lunch at Robb's aunt and uncle's house. So, I took small portions of stuff and ended up staying within my points. It makes me so happy to stick to my points. It's something you can really be proud about when all I said and done.

Seasoning Tip: Our household fave is Lawry's Season Salt. But, I think using some Kosher salt and some Italian Seasoning would be amazing too.

Well, my body is awake but my eyes just keep wanting to close on this dreary Monday morning. Of the past few Falls, I can say that this year's Fall has been exceptionally Fall-like. Lots of those cold, rainy days. But I'm not complaining. Last year I remember that the trees didn't really turn their vibrant colors (and I don't remember why) and this year the leaves are so incredible, don't you think?

Well, have a Happy Monday and Weighs Day is just around the corner!!

1 comment:

  1. i'm so proud of you! i'm so excited for your recipe, i'm gonna try it this week, hopefully. what seasonings did you use that day i had them? cause it was AWESOME. did you just use the Lawry's season salt?

    btw, i laughed out loud about the fusing of the eyelashes. i've almost had that happen to me, i always forget there's a big puff of superhot air when you have the oven that hot!
