Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Rule #1:  If you have a lot of weight to lose (like yours truly) you are not allowed to think about the end goal. Instead, set little goals along the way, such as 10 pounds lost, or even 20 to 25 pounds. Once you get to that goal, set a new one. The weight on the scale is just a number you're working to reduce. Small goals will pave the way. Sort of like the saying "slow and steady wins the race"!

Rule #2: Once a week you have to indulge yourself. I have given myself Weighs Day. If I have a loss then I get a reward. For instance, when I step onto those gleaming, white scales tomorrow morning and I register a loss, I'm gonna reward myself with some Home Run pizza tomorrow night for dinner. You'll never have a healthy relationship with food if you can't figure out how to have things (even the "bad" things) in moderation.

Rule #3: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. No one is ever gonna be perfect in a weight loss endeavor. If you don't believe me, read some of my posts! ~tee hee~ But you can't let that set you back permanently. You have to get up and try, try again. Forgive yourself and move forward.

Rule #4: Other people's opinions are just that- opinions- and they don't have to be YOURS! I absolutely love my family and friends, but as soon as people know you're trying to lose weight you're going to have 3 types of people in your life: 1. Those that encourage you in whatever you're doing, 2. Those that want to tell you how to lose weight because they (and their extra 20 pounds or more) know so much better than you, 3. Those that don't say anything at all. Number 1 is harmless. Those are the people that just want to support you while you figure out how to reach your goals. Number 3 depends- if you need their support it can be hard to go on without it, but go on you must. Number 2 (labeled such for a reason- we'll call them "the poops") are those that can do the worst damage. They don't just offer advice or encouragement. No, they want to tell you why the course you've chosen is wrong and what to do to make it right. Avoid "the poops" at all costs!

Rule #5: You have to figure out why you want to lose weight and THAT has to involve YOUR decision. Not because you want some poop off your back. You have to want it for you and your own reasons. Not for anyone else. For me, I have two extremely and equally important reasons. (This is taking a whole heap of courage to be honest here.) First of all, I have struggled with my weight up's and down's my whole life. The first time I was put on diet pills I was 12 and about 10 pounds too heavy. At the time, I thought I was really fat. That's because the standard that I was led to believe was appropriate was "anorexic thin" (do I hear a big, fat sigh all around?). As a 12-year old I knew nothing better. Today, I see that this is where the downfall began. Over the years I've tried starvation, self-induced vomiting, diet pills galore, and even self injury. This is hugely painful to me even today at the ripe, young age of 32. With all of my heart and soul I do not want Lainie to experience even one single second of that pain. I want her to be a confident, happy, healthy child, girl, and woman. I want her to have a healthy relationship with food and an accurate body perception (things I never had). Secondly, I hate the way this weight makes me feel- physically, emotionally, mentally. I need this. And, finally, I really want this. Those are my reasons. You have to choose your own and let those be the only reasons.

So speaks the Diet Diva. Happy Tuesday! See you back here tomorrow morning for *so exciting* WEIGHS DAY!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think this is my favorite post thus far. These rules are so simple, but no one keeps them in mind but I believe they are a must for successful, healthy weight loss. #5 about made me want to cry. You are so brave for posting your true reasons, and you are a wonderful mother and I know Lainie will grow up loving herself and not feeling bad about herself. I'm proud of you buddy, and I believe in you! Can't wait to see how weighs day goes!!
