Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tonight is the Night!

   I woke up this morning and I just feel  like I can really do this. I can knock this one right out of the park. To quote Mary-Kate or Ashley (who can keep them straight) in the movie It Takes Two- It's gonna be a "can't eat, can't sleep, homerun, over the fence, world series kind of thing". (Hmm...they were actually talking about true love- ah, well) Yeah, I realize I just quoted an Olsen Twin, but in all honesty I love their movies from their tween years. Actually, It Takes Two is even ealier. I even subscribed to their magazine during it's very brief run. Mmmm hmmm. Yeah, I did. Please don't do the math on what age that would have made me at the time.

  So, tonight I'm going to finally make Butternut Squash "fries". I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to finally have these things. Whoo hoo! I'm also going to be "frying" up some zucchini! It's going to be a squashtastic night. I'm hoping Little Miss Lou Lou will consider sampling these treats. I can almost positively count on Robb NOT to try them. He's just not adventurous when it comes to food. Boo! With my squash I'll be having a chicken breast, lightly seasoned. So yummy. I'm salivating right now just dreaming about it. What time is it?

 I have vowed that starting Monday morning I'm going to get up early and I'm going to partake in some Denise Austin pilates. Oh yeah. That's right. I think adding in some exercise will fuel me for the day.

 I've been eating healthier for sure. I take a fruit with me to work each day for a snack. I've been eating granola bars for breakfast (the VERY SAME ONES that I ate for breakfast when I had my first 40 pound weight loss with WW) and that is super encouraging. I also try to get in veggies as much as possible, although I have to admit, I'm not as successful at that as I'd like to be. Tonight, I'm all about the veggies. Boohyah!

 So, this is Day One of Week 4 and I can honestly say that I have all of my points mapped out for the day. Well, all of them except for the 8 leftover for goodies. Ooh la la! I have to enjoy these points now because I actually get 5 extra points because I'm still nursing Lainie. Come November 11th, I'm done! Hip hip hooray! However, I lose those 5 points at that time, so I'm gonna make the most of them now! Yee haw!

 It always feels so much easier when I plan. I think that's key to this being successful.

 Happy Eating! Happy Thursday! Happy Weight-Loss-That-Will-Come-Next-Wednesday! It's gonna be a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious kind of day.

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