Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Day, New Diva

  So, I woke up this morning feeling rather diva-licious. It's a new day and a fresh start on my journey. With my set back set aside, I'm ready to go. Maybe it was getting an adequate amount of sleep last night (which rarely happnes these days) but I woke up feeling energized and, well, like a diva. I even shaved my legs!

 I've actually got a plan of action for the day and I'm gonna stick to it. All of my points are accounted for and that's a good thing. I know exactly when I get a snack and I even figured in 2 points for one (I promise, just ONE) snack-sized Hershey bar. That way, I get my chocolate fix. I know it's coming and it's figured in with the rest of my points, so I'm all set.

 This is what I need. I need the structure of planning out my points. While others may do better with not planning out things so much, it's best for me. That's the point, to find out what works for Y-O-U! 

 So, Happy Tuesday, from the Diet Diva!

1 comment:

  1. You are diva-licious!! And ooh la la you shaved your legs. You sound super pumped about this and you should be! You cannot cut ALL the good stuff out, that is what trips you up. Then all you think about it the stuff you cannot have. Good idea already figuring in a 2 pointer chocolate fix :) Keep us all posted.

    And COME ON PEOPLE start posting comments on this blog and help our Diet Diva out!! If you follow the blog, then sign up and FOLLOW the blog. Let Kendy know we are keeping an eye on her, and if she's inspiring you, let her know....cause I'm sure that will inspire her too :)
