Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sleepy Daze

  First of all, I'm lodging a formal complaint (yeah, via this blog) about the date of the Daylight Savings Time change. I can no longer be expected to be awake in the complete darkness at 7am! This is outrageous. Egregious. And just plain stupid.

 Now that I've vented about that, I have to report that I greatly enjoyed my Home Run Inn pizza last night. I have been mistakenly referring to it as a Home Run pizza (well, it does knock it out of the ball park, but that's neither here nor there). So, my apologies to the makers.

 It's always exciting to me to start a new week. Especially when I've had a great weight loss from the week before to serve as the proverbial "wind beneath my wings". heh heh (I love Bette) Anyhoo, it's very motivating to have a big loss heading into a new week. This week my goal is to actually get up early (in the complete darkness) and start doing the pilates thing I said I was starting, oh, 2 weeks ago. *Kendy laughs heartily at the ridiculous notion that she will be getting up earlier in said darkness to exercise* No, really. Exercise will just help that poundage keep coming off and I know that. I'll report back about this when it happens.

 Well, Happy Thursday!