Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's WEIGHS-DAY!! (Week 4)

 Good morning, good morning, one and all! Happy WEIGHS-Day! At least I hope that it is for you as much as it is for me. I've lost some poundage! Well, as you know if you've been following along you know I got off to a rough start. While I did give myself a pass last week, I did weigh Thursday morning in an unofficial capacity (Read: Off the record) I was right back where I started from. So, I'm reporting my loss based on starting weight since I didn't do so hot the past few weeks. SO....drum roll please.....*Kendy makes sad attempt to roll tongue to make drum roll sound- fails miserable*

Week 4 Loss: 4.7 pounds!!!!!  Total Loss: 4.7 lbs

 Do I get a whoop whoop? *Kendy is raising the roof in way that embarasses husband- she cares not, raising roof proudly while making "ooo ooo" sound*  Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about people!

 Picture it. Weighs-Day morning. 7:20 am. Lone Diet Diva steps onto scales in great anticipation. She holds her breath, steps on, releases breath. Two seconds go by as slow as her mom drives. She drives really slow sometimes. But I digress. Diet Diva slowly looks down to the numbers on the scale. She can't believe her eyes! A loss! Not just any loss- a BIG loss!!! Diet Diva jumps off of scale and immediately does pathetic little I-Lost-Weight dance in itty-bitty bathroom.

 Well, tonight I will be rewarding all of my hard work by allowing myself some of my all-time favorite pizza. Happy Weighs-Day and Happy Middle-of-the-Week!

1 comment:

  1. this is amazing buddy! i'm so proud of you! i can do the tongue drum roll, let me know and i'll drum roll for ya next time. and i absolutely love that you were raising the roof in a way that embarasses husband -- shake your groove thing!! i hope you enjoyed your home run pizza tonight! (i saw a home run pizza truck in quincy the other day, i wanna try these!)

    come on folks let's get some roof raising comments for our favorite Diet Diva!
