Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Working for the Weekend

  Well, folks, it's FRIDAY!!!! TGIF!! And such. Anyway, we're approaching the weekend and I have to say that I've been struggling the past couple of days. After being super happy that I lost this week, I sure haven't been staying on track very well. Of course, it always seems that way when I'm constantly on the go, and I have been a'movin! Last night, I did the unthinkable- we ordered pizza. Ridiculousness. I knew better. But fear not! This broad is getting back on the straight and narrow as we speak. It's all about planning. You just have to plan!

 This weekend I'll probably be cleaning the house and staying busy is key. Isn't there a saying- idle hands are the devil's workshop or some business like that? Well, these fingers are gonna be scrubbing away the grime this weekend. Robb also happened upon free tickets to the Jr. Blues tomorrow night so we're doing that as well. Lainie will be attending her first hockey game. Whoo hoo!

 Ok, I'll report back in tomorrow with this getting-back-on-track business. I'm Supergirl! And.....I'm off!

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