Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's Breaks Day

  So, anyone who read this blog thingy knows that I've sort of had some setbacks of late. I'm not beating myself up because these things happen. For me, to continue blogging means that I have definitely not given up and that, for me, is the most important thing. Admitting stuff actually helps. Today is my normal weigh day and I've decided to give myself a birthday gift (though a day late) and give myself a pass for the week. Weight Watchers has such passes when you attend meetings. You just turn one in and you don't have to weigh. I'm doing well. Yesterday I took a granola bar for breakfast, ate a WW meal for lunch, and had a banana as a snack. We had tacos for dinner but even that wasn't terrible because I still had plenty of points. For my birthday cake I ate 2 100-calorie Little Debbie snack cakes! I even did well there!

  So, I'm charging on. I'm also about to leave for Joliet, IL which is about a 3 hour drive so that's gonna be all for the day. I just wanna leave you with this thought- we're human. We are gonna make mistakes and sometimes making the right choices in any area of our lives can be a difficult and daunting task. Especially, women out there. We seem to take it upon ourselves to be the caretakers, to be the ones to sacrifice. So, when we find that our motivation is lacking and our calorie intake is higher than we anticipated/hoped/want, it's important to do two things- 1. forgive yourself, not beating yourself up and 2. never quit- get right back up and move forward.

  Have a great day!

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