Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chilly Willy

 Does anyone remember that cartoon- Chilly Willy? "I'm only Chilly Willy, I'm frozen through and through. My nose is cold and my feet are froze, ha he hachoo!" I loved that cartoon. Anyhoo, I love when the weather gets chilly and you just want to snuggle up under a warm blanket (I'm boycotting those silly robe-blanket do-dads) and eat a hot bowl of chilli.

 Yet another day of Diva Dieting under my belt and Weighs Day is tomorrow! I'm certain there is a loss in my future. No, I'm not being overly optimistic. WW works, first and foremost. Also, well, you know, I might have cheated and weighed myself Sunday night. (heh heh) I have lost weight yet again. BUT, I have a confession to make. I mis-subtracted and I actually lost 3.7 pounds, not 4.7 last week. Oh well. I'm still close to 5 and I actually think I'm gonna make it tomorrow. I think now is the time to tell you all a big, fat law school secret- they don't teach us attorney-prospects any math, other than how to figure out what 1/3 of a big, fat settlement or case win is. *Greedy, Cheshire Cat-like smile spreads across Diet Diva's face* It's not my fault. They just assume you'll have people doing that for you. So, I can't be expected to know how to subtract, especially when there's a decimal point involved. Geesh.

 So, I made some outrageously good chilli last night. I've posted the recipe (may be in the process of posting) as the new recipe of the week for your interest and pleasure. Hope you all enjoy! See you back here first thing in the morning for the Weighs Day weigh-in report! Happy Tuesday!

P.S. I refuse to exercise in the dark. I will shoot for Monday.

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