Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Diet Diva Rules

  That's right, folks! I have managed to stay within my points range all weekend. That makes for 4 days straight! It's really motivating once you get a day under your belt. And then two days. Then three. And four. Yeah, I know, you get the point.

  I won't bore you to tears with every last detail of my diet diary (although it's way fun to write it all out each day and then to look back and realize that I actually get to EAT and still lose weight). I do want to share one situation with you in which I triumphed magnificently.

 Picture it! Friday. October 16, 2009. A lone Diet Diva home taking care of her sick baby. Along comes Mr. T (Temptation, that is- not the blinged out, A-Team variety) knocking at my door. "You know," he says to me in his smoothly sinister voice, "you owe it to yourself not to cook right now. You have a baby to take care of. Just throw that other Home Run pizza in your oven and feast on the ever-loving, cheesy goodness." My mouth began salivating. I could hear my heart pounding at the thought of the cheesy goo, the gumminess of the crust just beneath the perfect sauce, the flakiness of the crusty bottom and the crunch of the outer crust. I snapped myself back to my senses. "But," said I, "I have already calculated all of my points for today. Plus I'm having Olive Garden tonight which will be a super filling meal. I have it all figured out. If I eat the pizza, that will throw it all off! Plus, I've already started thawing out a chicken breast for lunch." Confidence began to build as I stood proud of the fight I was waging against Mr. T, but he would not give up so easily. "That's right. You should cook that chicken breast. You were gonna share it with Lainie. Why don't you give what she doesn't eat to Tank? It'd be a tasty treat for him. No one needs to know that you ate pizza instead," said he. My heart was racing furiously as I began debating within myself. I already had one day of perfect pointing under my belt. It would all be for nothing if I gave in now. "NO!" I shouted, instantly seeing the despairing look of defeat as I stared down Mr. T. "First of all, the only reason for cooking a pizza is the convenience and if I'm cooking the chicken breast anyway, this makes no sense at all. Forget not, Mr. T, you are dealing with a lawyer. Secondly, I cannot lie about what I eat. I would have to report back to my faithful bloggorters (blog supporters- tee hee) that I had done such a deed and I would be so disappointed in myself."

 I won the battle! I did not eat the pizza. It still sits in my freezer, waiting for that special occasion when I will break it out and enjoy it guilt-free. Instead I did cook that chicken breast and a bag of california mix veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots) and shared it all with Lainie. I could be proud of myself for not giving in to Mr. T. Next time he struts his stuff up to my door step and knocks, thinking he's gonna win a war he's waged against me, I'll be ready for him!

 Have a great week and Happy Eating!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so very proud of you for not letting Mr T overpower you with the pizza! Way to go Diet Diva! I think it does make it easier when you get one day, then two and three under your belt. Come Weighs Day when the scale is down, you'll really feel triumphant. Keep it up!! :D
