Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Brutal Honesty

  Ok, so when I started this blog the one thing I promised was that I would be honest no matter what. If I'm going to be a woman of my word then here goes. First of all, we ordered pizza Thursday night and it was MY idea. What was I thinking? I'll tell you what I was thinking- I love pizza! Well, I did have plenty of points for it, so I decided it wasn't so horrible. Then came Friday morning- pizza for breakfast. Friday afternoon- pizza for lunch. Ridiculousness. I ate the left overs for breakfast and lunch the next day. Ok, again, I actually stayed within points, but didn't feel so great about it. So, in my depression I did the exact opposite of what I should do. It's sort of like when Jonah was all, "Sure God, I'll go to Nineveh. NOT!" He proceeded to go the opposite direction landing himself right, smack-dab in the middle of a whale. Well, I'm gonna BE a whale if I keep doing this. See, I went the opposite direction and landed smack-dab in the middle of the candy aisle at Target where I proceeded to buy chocolate bars, marshmallows and graham crackers. "It's not for me," I lied to myself, "It's for Emily and I to make together. I'll only eat one." Did I really mean "times 10"? Because I didn't stop at one. And when I was done with the s'mores I ate the chocolate. Woe is me.

 Other than my s'mores debacle, I actually ate rather healthy. Friday night for dinner I shared brussels sprouts with Lainie. I made a very healthy version of chicken and dumplings for dinner Saturday night which I had left over on Sunday. As I went to bed last night I had visions of broccoli stalks dancing in my head and I swore that I would get back on track first thing this morning. I woke up with a killer headache which drove me to McD's for a large hazelnut coffee, which "magically" came with an order of cinnamon melts and one hashbrown. Lord, have mercy. I know I didn't order those things- did I? Mmmmm...hmmmmm. Sure did.

  You know something? It happens. I debated with myself after consuming said cinnamon melts and one hashbrown about just not blogging anymore. Giving up. Then I remembered my promise. After all, I wouldn't be in this mess if I didn't have an unhealthy relationship with food so a set back here and there is just gonna have to be acceptable. AND, I'm going to have to move forward regardless. Yeah, I will possibly have a weight gain for the week and you know something, it's ok. I faced it like a champ, I think, and I learned.

 So, onward I go.

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