Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's WEIGHS-Day (Week 3)

  Raise the roof if you weighed today even though you knew you'd have a gain because you stuffed yourself full of s'mores all weekend! *Kendy raises roof*

  I was right- I did have a gain. I gained 1.7 pounds. Not horrible, all things considered. I mean, I sort of went off-roading for four days. Robb had a serious talk with me last night about how it was nice and all having 4 bags of Halloween candy around (honest, it wasn't all for me- I don't even like Snickers or Reese's.....much) but we need to not have that around. I'm not alone in my chocolate obsession. The man ate an entire bag of Milk Duds all by himself within a day and a half. Not to mention at least half a bag of Snickers. Boo!

  So, today is all about making good choices. For instance, I made the good choice not to call in sick to work because I'm not sick, I'm just tired. I made the good choice not to injure Robb as he told Lainie that she sounds just like Mommy, how she babbles all the time (jerk face). I also made the good choice not to bring a soda to work with me today which will force me to drink water all day (well, notwithstanding the one- and I do mean one- cup of coffee I have each morning). That was probably the best choice I made this morning. *Kendy pats her own back*

  So, tell me- how is everyone else doing? Honesty actually helps. I mean, I have had to 'fess up that I ate a ton of s'mores and chocolate and then got "back on track" by consuming cinnamon melts and a hashbrown Monday morning. These things happen, folks! No sense in beating yourself up. If you have triumphs or tragedies, let me know!

  Happy Weighs-Day!

1 comment:

  1. No, it is not horrible that you gained a little. You are still at a loss for your totals. And that counts for a lot! BTW, I want a new poll! :)
