Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Am the Point Queen!

  Ok, you're so not gonna believe this. I mean, really, not believe this. Well, we had plans to go to Olive Garden last night so I went to their website, on which they've posted nutritional values for EV-RY-THA-NG-UH. I went through and figured out points for my faves. I knew I wanted salad and I figured up how much I could have. Then I knew I'd want a breadstick or 2. I also usually like the alfredo dipping sauce for the breadsticks so I calculated even that. Finally, the entre! Well, my second fave dish is the Ravioli di Portabello and if I got a lunch portion it was 10 points. Note: my FAVE dish is the Shrimp and Chicken Carbonara which is to die for- maybe literally- the point value for this dish is screamin' off the charts, so I skipped it. I actually figured out exactly how many points I'd need to OG. I even figured up how many more points it would be if my hubby and I decided to split a piece of the Pumpkin Cheesecake as a Bday treat to me. (Do you love how I'm draggin my birthday out as long as possible? Yeah, me too.) I knew I had some points left over so I had to use them wisely. I ate lots of free stuff like broccoli and cauliflower (which also means I got my veggies in- yay me!) I was the POINT QUEEN. Seriously.

  Having two days in a row where I have successfully planned my points and stayed within them amazes me, but also inspires me. I'm doing gud! Rally gud!

  I'm hoping this coming Weighs Day proves to be a sparkly, weight-loss kind of day! Yee haw! Have a good weekend folks. I'll see ya Monday!


  1. You ARE the point queen!! I'm so very proud of you and I'll bet that Weighs Day is going to be very sparkly indeed. I'm so excited about the post, I didn't think we'd get a new one until Monday. And yes I do love how you drag your bday out, as you should, you are a Princess! I drug mine out too. More fun that way.

  2. Thanks, CJ! And just for the record, I'm still the reigning Point Queen! Boo-yah!
