Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's WEIGHS Day! (Week 5?)

 I've lost track of what week it is now. That doesn't matter. What DOES matter is what happened at my morning weigh-in this morning! Now remember, I confessed yesterday that I mis-subtracted and I lost 3.7 pounds, not 4.7 as I originally thought. Now 4.7 would be awesome but 3.7 is still nothing to sneeze at, right? Ok, enough with the pins and needles- get on to it!

 Well, RING THE BELL!!! I lost 1.5 pounds for a total of 5.2!! YAY!! Hip hip hooray! I've lost my first 5 pounds. If I was attending WW meetings (at least from what I remember) I would be receiving a nifty bookmark with a "5" on it that I would eventually put stars on every time I get another 5 pounds lost. I may have to get myself such a bookmark and some star stickers.

 I'm super de duperty excited about losing my first 5! It's exactly what I said before- one week I lose between 2-5 pounds and the next it's always 2 pounds or less. Hopefully next week I'll lose big! Not that I'm disappointed by or ungrateful for the 1.5 loss today, because I certainly am happy. I just hope that my old pattern of weight loss keeps up. I've set a due date on my first goal for January 6th. That's still 10 weigh-weeks away. Gosh, if I keep up this 5 pounds every 2 weeks deal I'll for sure make my goal and then some! That would be sweet! Of course, I realize I'm facing the holidays during this first goal but I'm gonna stay positive! It's all I can do.

 Well, I hope everyone else is doing well! Happy Weighs Days to all and to all a good day!


  1. yay for ringing bells! i'm ringing one in my head for you :) i think you should totally do the bookmark and sticker thing. i love stickers. and i love that you commented on your own post, right after you posted it. keep up the good work Diet Diva :)
