Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Weighs-Day (Week 2)

  Today is the day! It's WEIGHS-Day! Week 2 is done and despite my frights from the day yester, I did, in fact, lose. Not much, but it's a loss! Not a gain! Not maintenance! Super happy about that!!!! I lost .3 pounds for a total of 3 pounds lost. Now, that's not fantastic. But the scales are heading south and that's all that matters to me.

  My biggest challenges so far have been evenings. During the day I eat very healthy. I'm fortunate to work at a place that considers purchasing water bottles for the office a luxury. We each take turns buying coffee, for crying out loud. So, there is no food or beverage around to tempt me. However, I think I'm not taking enough food during the day. I usually have something very healthy for breakfast, like my sacred VitaTops or Vita Brownies (did I mention they make brownies too? Delish!) and a cup of coffee with a bit of sugar. Then for lunch I either have a sandwich or WW frozen meal. I do have some healthy snack options like popcorn and whole wheat Goldfish. But I'm usually so busy I don't eat a snack. By the time I get home I'm ravenously hungry and I have a tendency to snack before and/or while I cook dinner. Therein lies my problem. I think I snack too much and don't realize that I am.

 When I attended meetings they always said, "If you bite it, write it." Well, those before-dinner snacks don't always getting written, even though they do get bitten. (heh heh) So, I need to be more faithful in writing everything that I eat. Plus, it helps me looking back at my points trackers to see the weeks I lose more, what I did differently. Sometimes, I've just made healthier choice. Sometimes there's nothing to which I can pinpoint weight loss differences. Also, I have always noticed a weight loss pattern. It seems like one week I'll lose 2-4 pounds and the next is a pound or less. So, while I only lost .3 pounds this week, that's actually typical and means that I'm on track.

 How is everyone else doing? Has anyone had any success with weight loss? If anyone has any tips they want to share, email me. I will add them to my postings but I won't take the credit- I promise!!

 Happy Weighs Day!


  1. yeah way to go PK for LOSING! hey every little bit counts!! plus your recipe sounds yummy!

  2. Thanks, PC! It's a very tasty recipe. We love Chicken Alfredo in our house.
