Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dieting and Baby Blues

  Well, tomorrow is the infamous Weighs-day and to be completely honest, I'm not feeling it. I just feel so blah. Maybe it's because I'm depressed about my daycare situation that I feel blah. But I have this feeling that I probably haven't lost weight this week. I try desperately to convince myself that if I can even maintain for a week, that's better than gaining. Ok, technically, that's accurate. However, it doesn't make anything feel any better. I just started this thing so I feel like I shouldn't have a non-loss week for, like, ever!

 In reflection of the week, I can't say that I've been horrible. I've managed to stay within my point range. I mean, yeah, I used all of my flex points for the week, but you can. I'm hoping it's just me and that the scales will tell a tale that makes a liar of me. Even a pound and I'd be happy. Que sera sera.

 So, the depressing daycare debacle. Robb started work today at a car dealership here in town. While this is good for lots of reasons (no travel to and from J'ville for work, saving gas money, etc.), this just happened Thursday so I've been scrambling to find daycare for Lainie here in town. We've interviewed a couple of people. It's one of those things that I just think only a mom can truly appreciate. When choosing daycare for your baby you have to stop and realize that she will be with this person 4 days a week (Robb has one day off through the week and he will keep her) for at least 8 hours a day. So, you have to choose someone you think will nurture and love your baby like you would, while giving her structure too (which we had with our friend in J'ville who was watching Lainie). It's impossible. Last night we met two ladies- one was very reasonably priced and I just do not have a good feeling about her (and a mom's instincts should never be countered); the other is too expensive but would be a really great fit. Impossible! Such is life.

 So really, I keep thinking/wishing/praying for/desperately trying to send telepathic messages to WW, so that WW would read my blog, love it, and hire me to blog on their website and be the new spokesperson. See, here's my theory- would you rather have someone who's already lost the weight or someone that you can lose weight with? Well, my personal opinion is that it would be fun for WW to do as other, not-to-be-named companies have done- get someone who has to lose weight and keep checking in with them on their weight loss. Well, I just know I'm supposed to be famous anyway (tee hee!) and I think WW should consider me. =)  I'm ready anytime, WW Powers-That-Be!

 Ok, so, I hope everyone has had a good weight loss week. We'll find out tomorrow. Happy Tuesday!


  1. don't get discouraged, stick with it! every day is a new day.

  2. Thanks, PC!! I appreciate your encouragement.
