Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday

Well, the weekend went sup-tastic. I am surprised with the amount of time that I spent at home that I was able to avoid mindless snacking. Of course, I actually kept myself quite busy. I reorganized the pantry, cleaned the refrigerator out (during which time I discovered a broccoli salad that I've had in their since the 4th of July- guess I need to clean it out more often- see this is all part of that honesty bit), and I cleaned out the freezer. So pretty now. Well, that took quite a lot of time to do on Saturday. I ate quite healthy all day. I made a very lean pot roast and some broccoli for dinner. Sunday morning I got up and decided I wanted eggs. So I made myself 2 eggs, sunny side up (I'm not sure they were really sunny side up, but isn't that the cutest name??), along with 2 pieces of toast and some milk. And yes, well within a reasonable amount of points for breakfast. For lunch we ate leftover pot roast and since we ate it late we didn't have much of a dinner. I was seriously craving chocolate and the only chocolate in the house was a package of semi-sweet chocolate chips. So I had a small handful of them to satisfy that craving. Semi-sweet chocolate is such a smart weapon to have in the house because it does give me a chocolate fix but the bitterness of it does not leave me wanting more. Then I made some 94% FF popcorn and added a sprinkling of seasoned salt for flavor. I love that popcorn because you can have so much for so little points.

I also, in the spirit of truth, justice, and the healthy way, must confess that I sort of cheated yesterday and weighed myself. I know! It's like the cardinal sin of WW. Well, I don't really know that to be true but I know when I attended meetings you were supposed to wait and weigh at the meetings, so once a week. I've already lost weight, but I'm not gonna say how much at this point because it was cheating. My weigh day is Wednesday and I'll weigh myself in the morning and post it thereafter. If those that are following along plan to weigh then, or any other day for that matter, let me know your weight loss and I'll make Wednesday the Weight Loss Roster day.

Ok, I haven't had coffee yet and I desperately need some but here's to what I hope will continue to be a good week! Luck to all!


  1. So I have a confession- I found out while home on lunch as I went to the popcorn box to verify points, that I actually (and TRULY accidentally) grabbed the Meijer-brand Butterific popcorn as opposed to the 94% FF. No wonder I thought it was the best LF popcorn of my life. Because it wasn't LF at all. Good news is that it's still not horrendous points-wise. It's a point a cup and I can live with that.

  2. i absolutely love that you found a broccoli salad you've had in your fridge since the 4th of July!! i do hope you threw it out though. hehehe

  3. Yeah, I couldn't find the point value for mold so I figured I'd just throw it out.
