Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Blechy Blech Blech

So Day 2 is under my belt and I'm still flyin' high! Considering that I had to travel to Timbuktu and back yesterday, I did very well. I had a light Hazelnut Iced Coffee from McD's for breakfast yesterday. Then we had a business lunch meeting at which I talked most of the time (I can hear several of you and your comments- You? Talk the whole time? Never!) and didn't actually eat at lunch. So I scarfed a few bites before we left and while I was not hunger-satisfied I was definitely soul-satisfied that I did not consume all the fried goodies they had to offer.

Dinner threatened to be a bit of a struggle considering my pantry consists mainly of cooking spray, sugar, salt and olive oil and despite the creative chef I may be, there's nothing that can be done with those ingredients. So, we had breakfast for dinner (ain't nuthin' wrong wit dat, yo!). I love having BFD. My Robb really wanted monkey bread and I have this great microwave recipe (no, no- 'tis tasty!) so I started putting together ingredients, desperately hoping to make monkey bread healthy. Is such a daring feat even possible? I say to you, it is! So, you take a can of refrigerator biscuits (which are surprisingly low in points) and cut each doughy disc into quarters. Then you put 2 tablespoons of the lowest fat "butter" possible, about a tablespoon or 2 of water, lots of cinnamon, and 1/3 cup of, wait for it, Splenda Brown Sugar, into a bowl and nuke it for 1 minute. Then add your quartered biscuits, making sure you keep the pieces separated. Toss lightly and nuke that for 2 and 1/2 minutes and voila!- you have monkey bread!

Side Note: So, I'd never used Splenda Brown Sugar which is half splenda, half brown sugar. It was actually tasty and totally fooled my Robb as he didn't notice a diff. Actually, I would say it made the dish richer (mmmm....delish) and it's like half the cals!

With monkey bread, I ate 2 eggs and a few pieces of turkey bacon (which I have amazingly discovered I like far more than real bacon- no lie!) It was a great day for my "un-diet". =) hehe

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