Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

In the Beginning....God Created Food

Good morning to all! I am so excited that so many people have responded and some are even choosing to join in on the action! Remember, if you want to share your experiences you can post them in the comments or email me ahead of time and I'll include your stuff in my post!

So, this is Day One. Because I know that there are those that have decided they need accountability too, I don't have any choice. There will be no backing down, no bowing out. I simply must finish what I've started. I have decided that the only way for this to work (at least for myself) is to be brutally honest about everything with one major exception- you know, women don't reveal their weight. That's the only thing I won't be revealing (duh!), but everything else is fair game!

How honest, you might be wondering? Honest enough that if I gain 12 pounds in one week because I suddenly decide that chocolate really is essential to every meal, I'll tell you. If I wasn't able to resist the Ravioli di Portabello at Olive Garden and I ate myself stupid, yeah, I'll tell you that too. I'll even admit it when I come to work in maternity pants because they are more comfortable than the rest of the pants in my closet that I can still wear but are snug enough to be uncomfortably so- I won't try to pretend like everything else in my wardrobe was dirty and much to my chagrin I was "forced" to wear said maternity pants.

That said, yeah. *heh heh* I'm wearing maternity pants today. Oh, for those women out there that have finally given in to the scary, belly-stretched pants during pregnancy and came to realize and appreciate just how wonderful they can be, you may do well to understand that they remain comfortable for those of us overweight folk even after pregnancy. I'm not condoning this ridiculous behavior so much as desperately trying to justify it! ~tee hee~ As I sit here and realize exactly what I'm about to admit to and put out there for the world to read, I feel that I should be more embarrassed than I am. I am, slightly so. But to my everlasting shame, I'm still in love with them. At least for now. I still wear those snug pants too, so have no fear- my entire wardrobe does not consist solely of maternity clothes. =) And just as soon as I drop about 15 pounds I think those pants will no longer be snug at all!

So, tonight I will blog about how Day One turned out. Any words you want to share, please do so. We're in this together, people!

And........WE'RE OFF!

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