Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Was An Angry Elf...

Ugh, so I had a bad night last night. Well, a Board meeting. I can't stand people who lie right to your face when they know, that you know, that they're lying. I don't get it. Anyway, so, last night I was an angry elf. Nerves such as those usually put me over the edge and force me (yeah, FORCE me- do you REALLY wanna argue with an angry elf?) to binge on all foods that comfort. I did well though, I must tell you, even in the face of the Dark Side which was pulling me toward an Oreo cookie Blizzard. I did not give in to it.

Actually, it was a manic Monday. It was a crazy busy day and it just seems that those are the days that make eating healthy easier because you don't generally have time to stop and ponder all things tasty and chocolate-covered. Except, as a side note, I had the chorus from Manic Monday in my head all day, only I kept singing in my head "Just another Manic Monday...it's not my fun day...I wanna hot fudge sundae...just another Manic Monday"- isn't that hilarious? I didn't really want a hot fudge sundae though because I spent most of the day freezing off my tookus (sp??- please feel free to correct me). But I digress.

I had a Vita Top for breakfast- oh and I have a song in my head about that this morning. All morning I've been altering between "There are worse things I could do..than go with a boy, or 2.." (yeah from Grease- funny!) and "VitaTops, VitaTops, oh Vita VitaTops, Vita Tops , Vita Tops oh Vita Vita Tops, VitaTops, ba-da da da da...". I won't lie- my mind is somewhat verging on the ridiculous today. *stay focused* So, I had this amazing sammie for lunch- it was sliced chicken breast with a sprinkling of fat free shredded cheddar and a smidgen of Sun Dried Tomato Vinaigrette on wheat bread. It was super yummy. And I had some of that NOT-94%-FF popcorn but it hit the spot and was only 3 points.

For dinner we had chicken tacos and I had a handful, OK two, of those semi-sweet chocolate chips. Yummy! See! I did pretty darn good yesterday! AND, drum roll please- tomorrow is WEIGH DAY!!! I'm really looking forward to it! I'll be reporting back here first thing in the morning. Remember, let me know if you're weighing in too and let me know how you did! We're in this together! Happy Tuesday Tidings! (and Eatings!)

1 comment:

  1. If you want to check out VitaTops, click on my link under Weight Loss Tips- Fave (to the right). It will take you to their website! Yummilicious!
