Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's WEIGHS-Day!!! (Week One)

  So, I woke up this morning and shot straight out of bed and went to the scales. Ok, actually, first I had to empty the bladder because I was not about to let that 5 ounces hinder a bigger weight loss on the scales. I stepped on in joyful anticipation and BOO-YAH! I lost 2.7 pounds! Whoo hoo!!! Oh yeah oh yeah! Jump around! I'm dying to know if anyone else weighed in today. Please let me know!

  Yesterday I did pretty darn good on the point-o-meter! I was really watching it because I knew today was the day and I was not about to let anything interfere with my weigh-in. I had a VitaTop for breakfast, some whole wheat Goldfish (yes the crackers, no not the fish although that would've been a score for protein) as a snack, and a Healthy Choice meal for lunch. Dinner, well, we had a dinner meeting for work and I actually ordered a horseshoe for dinner. Side Note: For those of you who have never met said Horseshoe, allow me to introduce you. First, toast a piece of bread. Lay that on a plate. Then add your meat (in my case it was fried chicken tenders which was meant to be a fried tenderloin but someone got confused in the ole kitch). A classic horse would have a burger. Then you top that with loads of fries. Then you smother it in cheese. Horseshoe, meet thighs. Thighs, meet Horseshoe. You get the pic.

 Yeah, so back to the order. I know what you're thinking- "what were YOU thinking??" Well, look. The mighty horse is a force to be reckoned with and the pub we were at is one of the top spots in Spfld for a horse. It's the sort of thing that makes a girl's knees wobble a bit. You're overcome with the flavors in your mind and you just have to do it. Well, before you throw all of your respect for me out the window I have to tell you that I ordered it to go because it was getting late and when I got home my senses returned to me and Robb ate it. Well, I had a few fries with cheese but then I ate popcorn and called it a night. SEE! I didn't do so bad after all.

  And so we begin, Week Two!!! Hoooray!

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