Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day One is Done

So ends my first day on this path to a healthier weight. I can honestly say that I've stayed within my daily points with just enough points to savor a Mountain Dew before I head to bed. I know, I know. Doesn't seem like the best of ideas to drink a caffeine-packed sugary beverage just before hitting the hay. But, to my knowledge, Mountain Dew never hurt any hay. Right? Lame. I know. It's also probably not a wise move considering that I have to get up at the butt-crack of dawn to drive all the way to Elgin, IL (North of Chicago) for a meeting at 11am. Blech!

Anyhoo, I started the day with a bowl of Kashi Go Lean cereal and boy, they're not kidding about making healthy food taste good. So yummy in my tummy. I think I started the day just right. A pudding snack and Healthy Choice meal for lunch and I was good to go for the rest of my afternoon. It's always nice when you actually choose the right foods that fill you up during the day. I know this will not always happen, but it's a good thing it did on Day One.

I made a chicken breast and turkey bacon sandwich for dinner and my Robb was even jealous of my tasty meal. Mmm...hmmm...that's right. I also stole a few of Lainie's puffs snacks but considering you can eat like 70 pieces for 25 calories, I wasn't really worried.

All in all it was a good start. So? How about the rest of you?

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