Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Weighs-Day (Week 2)

  Today is the day! It's WEIGHS-Day! Week 2 is done and despite my frights from the day yester, I did, in fact, lose. Not much, but it's a loss! Not a gain! Not maintenance! Super happy about that!!!! I lost .3 pounds for a total of 3 pounds lost. Now, that's not fantastic. But the scales are heading south and that's all that matters to me.

  My biggest challenges so far have been evenings. During the day I eat very healthy. I'm fortunate to work at a place that considers purchasing water bottles for the office a luxury. We each take turns buying coffee, for crying out loud. So, there is no food or beverage around to tempt me. However, I think I'm not taking enough food during the day. I usually have something very healthy for breakfast, like my sacred VitaTops or Vita Brownies (did I mention they make brownies too? Delish!) and a cup of coffee with a bit of sugar. Then for lunch I either have a sandwich or WW frozen meal. I do have some healthy snack options like popcorn and whole wheat Goldfish. But I'm usually so busy I don't eat a snack. By the time I get home I'm ravenously hungry and I have a tendency to snack before and/or while I cook dinner. Therein lies my problem. I think I snack too much and don't realize that I am.

 When I attended meetings they always said, "If you bite it, write it." Well, those before-dinner snacks don't always getting written, even though they do get bitten. (heh heh) So, I need to be more faithful in writing everything that I eat. Plus, it helps me looking back at my points trackers to see the weeks I lose more, what I did differently. Sometimes, I've just made healthier choice. Sometimes there's nothing to which I can pinpoint weight loss differences. Also, I have always noticed a weight loss pattern. It seems like one week I'll lose 2-4 pounds and the next is a pound or less. So, while I only lost .3 pounds this week, that's actually typical and means that I'm on track.

 How is everyone else doing? Has anyone had any success with weight loss? If anyone has any tips they want to share, email me. I will add them to my postings but I won't take the credit- I promise!!

 Happy Weighs Day!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dieting and Baby Blues

  Well, tomorrow is the infamous Weighs-day and to be completely honest, I'm not feeling it. I just feel so blah. Maybe it's because I'm depressed about my daycare situation that I feel blah. But I have this feeling that I probably haven't lost weight this week. I try desperately to convince myself that if I can even maintain for a week, that's better than gaining. Ok, technically, that's accurate. However, it doesn't make anything feel any better. I just started this thing so I feel like I shouldn't have a non-loss week for, like, ever!

 In reflection of the week, I can't say that I've been horrible. I've managed to stay within my point range. I mean, yeah, I used all of my flex points for the week, but you can. I'm hoping it's just me and that the scales will tell a tale that makes a liar of me. Even a pound and I'd be happy. Que sera sera.

 So, the depressing daycare debacle. Robb started work today at a car dealership here in town. While this is good for lots of reasons (no travel to and from J'ville for work, saving gas money, etc.), this just happened Thursday so I've been scrambling to find daycare for Lainie here in town. We've interviewed a couple of people. It's one of those things that I just think only a mom can truly appreciate. When choosing daycare for your baby you have to stop and realize that she will be with this person 4 days a week (Robb has one day off through the week and he will keep her) for at least 8 hours a day. So, you have to choose someone you think will nurture and love your baby like you would, while giving her structure too (which we had with our friend in J'ville who was watching Lainie). It's impossible. Last night we met two ladies- one was very reasonably priced and I just do not have a good feeling about her (and a mom's instincts should never be countered); the other is too expensive but would be a really great fit. Impossible! Such is life.

 So really, I keep thinking/wishing/praying for/desperately trying to send telepathic messages to WW, so that WW would read my blog, love it, and hire me to blog on their website and be the new spokesperson. See, here's my theory- would you rather have someone who's already lost the weight or someone that you can lose weight with? Well, my personal opinion is that it would be fun for WW to do as other, not-to-be-named companies have done- get someone who has to lose weight and keep checking in with them on their weight loss. Well, I just know I'm supposed to be famous anyway (tee hee!) and I think WW should consider me. =)  I'm ready anytime, WW Powers-That-Be!

 Ok, so, I hope everyone has had a good weight loss week. We'll find out tomorrow. Happy Tuesday!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Holy Fried Chicken and Pizza, Batman!

  I've been out of commission for a few days, but gone in form is not gone in spirit! I was visiting with family this weekend and, though I used every last shred of flex points I had left, I still maintained my points. I had lunch with my bff, Cara, on Saturday at Applebee's and I have to tell you that their Steak and Portabello WW menu item is wonderful. I mean, seriously, it might be the smallest steak I've ever eaten in my life, but it turned out to be just enough when paired with the mushrooms, potatoes, and broccoli. Y-U-M!

 So, prior to starting this whole blog-for-accountability deal, I had requested my mom make fried chicken for dinnner. My mom had already made purchases for the meal so I decided not to back out. I just had to save plenty of points and the flexers, for said meal. It was really good and while I did have a small amount of seconds, I def stayed within my points.

 Sunday morning (despite the best efforts of my mother, the food pusher- I love ya, Ma!) I did NOT eat French toast OR bacon OR eggs of any variety. I needed to watch the points since I was out of the flexers, so I did not partake in those goodies. Now, please don't think I condone never having such tasty treats. It's just that we were having homemade pizza for lunch since my lil' bro was there and I had to save points for that. So, I planned. Planning is key for this program. All in all, I probably could have done a bit better (like, I always hate when I spend all of my flex points in one day), but I feel pretty good about staying in line with the points I had.

 Wednesday is just around the corner and I'm not gonna cheat this week by weighing early. NOPE! I'm waiting (mostly because I'm slightly afeared that I'll step on to discover that the fried chicken and pizza are still attached to me and I've gained that 2.7 pounds back. Here's hoping for the best! Have a great week to all and don't forget to keep me posted on your own endeavors!

Friday, September 25, 2009

TGIF, Baby!

  So ends another week. I woke up this morning with a pounding headache and this coffee is doing little to soothe it. But that's not what you want to know about, you want to know if I've fallen off of the proverbial wagon (diet-wagon, that is). Well, the answer is a resounding- NO! But I was absent yesterday.

  So, Wednesday night I made a super-delish, lowfat Chicken Alfredo (I realize that Low Fat and Alfredo in the same sentence seems a mite dangerous, but I assure you, my version is healthy and yummilicious!). We had something to celebrate, after all- my 2.7 pound weight loss. Yes, in the grand scheme of things it's the tiny droplet on the top of the tip of the iceberg in my weight loss endeavor. But it's a good start. And I was thrilled.

  Yesterday I got up at the butt-crack of dawn (and really, who likes to see any butt cracks? I ask you! Even if it does belong to dawn.) and drove down to Marion, IL for a meeting which lasted entirely too long. I have to tell you that I did consume a brownie and it was maybe the most delicious brownie of my still-kind-of-young-but-not-as-young-as-I-used-to-be young life. Oh, yes, and I most certainly did count the points. I did go over points yesterday but, ahhhhh, that, my friend, is what those sweet flex points are all about. Flex points- 35 extra points a week that don't carry over- so use 'em or lose 'em. Well, I used a few yesterday, but not as many as one might assume.

 So, I'm going to Quincy this weekend and it's gonna be a fight to stay within points. First of all, my mother (saint that she is) is making fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn. Let's see, I think that'll take, yes, most of my points for the day. I guess I'm having green beans and pickles until dinner. To be fair, this meal was due to my own request which was actually made prior to starting this whole blog/weight loss journey. But I will be fine and I will go on.

 Have a great weekend! Keep those updates a'comin'!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's WEIGHS-Day!!! (Week One)

  So, I woke up this morning and shot straight out of bed and went to the scales. Ok, actually, first I had to empty the bladder because I was not about to let that 5 ounces hinder a bigger weight loss on the scales. I stepped on in joyful anticipation and BOO-YAH! I lost 2.7 pounds! Whoo hoo!!! Oh yeah oh yeah! Jump around! I'm dying to know if anyone else weighed in today. Please let me know!

  Yesterday I did pretty darn good on the point-o-meter! I was really watching it because I knew today was the day and I was not about to let anything interfere with my weigh-in. I had a VitaTop for breakfast, some whole wheat Goldfish (yes the crackers, no not the fish although that would've been a score for protein) as a snack, and a Healthy Choice meal for lunch. Dinner, well, we had a dinner meeting for work and I actually ordered a horseshoe for dinner. Side Note: For those of you who have never met said Horseshoe, allow me to introduce you. First, toast a piece of bread. Lay that on a plate. Then add your meat (in my case it was fried chicken tenders which was meant to be a fried tenderloin but someone got confused in the ole kitch). A classic horse would have a burger. Then you top that with loads of fries. Then you smother it in cheese. Horseshoe, meet thighs. Thighs, meet Horseshoe. You get the pic.

 Yeah, so back to the order. I know what you're thinking- "what were YOU thinking??" Well, look. The mighty horse is a force to be reckoned with and the pub we were at is one of the top spots in Spfld for a horse. It's the sort of thing that makes a girl's knees wobble a bit. You're overcome with the flavors in your mind and you just have to do it. Well, before you throw all of your respect for me out the window I have to tell you that I ordered it to go because it was getting late and when I got home my senses returned to me and Robb ate it. Well, I had a few fries with cheese but then I ate popcorn and called it a night. SEE! I didn't do so bad after all.

  And so we begin, Week Two!!! Hoooray!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Was An Angry Elf...

Ugh, so I had a bad night last night. Well, a Board meeting. I can't stand people who lie right to your face when they know, that you know, that they're lying. I don't get it. Anyway, so, last night I was an angry elf. Nerves such as those usually put me over the edge and force me (yeah, FORCE me- do you REALLY wanna argue with an angry elf?) to binge on all foods that comfort. I did well though, I must tell you, even in the face of the Dark Side which was pulling me toward an Oreo cookie Blizzard. I did not give in to it.

Actually, it was a manic Monday. It was a crazy busy day and it just seems that those are the days that make eating healthy easier because you don't generally have time to stop and ponder all things tasty and chocolate-covered. Except, as a side note, I had the chorus from Manic Monday in my head all day, only I kept singing in my head "Just another Manic Monday...it's not my fun day...I wanna hot fudge sundae...just another Manic Monday"- isn't that hilarious? I didn't really want a hot fudge sundae though because I spent most of the day freezing off my tookus (sp??- please feel free to correct me). But I digress.

I had a Vita Top for breakfast- oh and I have a song in my head about that this morning. All morning I've been altering between "There are worse things I could do..than go with a boy, or 2.." (yeah from Grease- funny!) and "VitaTops, VitaTops, oh Vita VitaTops, Vita Tops , Vita Tops oh Vita Vita Tops, VitaTops, ba-da da da da...". I won't lie- my mind is somewhat verging on the ridiculous today. *stay focused* So, I had this amazing sammie for lunch- it was sliced chicken breast with a sprinkling of fat free shredded cheddar and a smidgen of Sun Dried Tomato Vinaigrette on wheat bread. It was super yummy. And I had some of that NOT-94%-FF popcorn but it hit the spot and was only 3 points.

For dinner we had chicken tacos and I had a handful, OK two, of those semi-sweet chocolate chips. Yummy! See! I did pretty darn good yesterday! AND, drum roll please- tomorrow is WEIGH DAY!!! I'm really looking forward to it! I'll be reporting back here first thing in the morning. Remember, let me know if you're weighing in too and let me know how you did! We're in this together! Happy Tuesday Tidings! (and Eatings!)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday

Well, the weekend went sup-tastic. I am surprised with the amount of time that I spent at home that I was able to avoid mindless snacking. Of course, I actually kept myself quite busy. I reorganized the pantry, cleaned the refrigerator out (during which time I discovered a broccoli salad that I've had in their since the 4th of July- guess I need to clean it out more often- see this is all part of that honesty bit), and I cleaned out the freezer. So pretty now. Well, that took quite a lot of time to do on Saturday. I ate quite healthy all day. I made a very lean pot roast and some broccoli for dinner. Sunday morning I got up and decided I wanted eggs. So I made myself 2 eggs, sunny side up (I'm not sure they were really sunny side up, but isn't that the cutest name??), along with 2 pieces of toast and some milk. And yes, well within a reasonable amount of points for breakfast. For lunch we ate leftover pot roast and since we ate it late we didn't have much of a dinner. I was seriously craving chocolate and the only chocolate in the house was a package of semi-sweet chocolate chips. So I had a small handful of them to satisfy that craving. Semi-sweet chocolate is such a smart weapon to have in the house because it does give me a chocolate fix but the bitterness of it does not leave me wanting more. Then I made some 94% FF popcorn and added a sprinkling of seasoned salt for flavor. I love that popcorn because you can have so much for so little points.

I also, in the spirit of truth, justice, and the healthy way, must confess that I sort of cheated yesterday and weighed myself. I know! It's like the cardinal sin of WW. Well, I don't really know that to be true but I know when I attended meetings you were supposed to wait and weigh at the meetings, so once a week. I've already lost weight, but I'm not gonna say how much at this point because it was cheating. My weigh day is Wednesday and I'll weigh myself in the morning and post it thereafter. If those that are following along plan to weigh then, or any other day for that matter, let me know your weight loss and I'll make Wednesday the Weight Loss Roster day.

Ok, I haven't had coffee yet and I desperately need some but here's to what I hope will continue to be a good week! Luck to all!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Eating!

So, I've made it three whole days!! heh heh Well, yeah, it's not a terribly long time but at least it's 3 days I can say I've done well and be proud of myself. And it was Friday and Fridays are always something to be happy about. Don't get me wrong because I love my job. But having a weekend with the fam is always a nice thought.

So, about a year and a half ago I discovered VitaTops. They're actually muffin tops (no, no, not referring to flab hanging over one's pants). I'm talking about these round, flat discs and they're jam-packed with vitamins, I dunno, maybe some minerals, and loads of flavor. They are only worth 1 WW point!! So right away you think, yeah, must taste like cardboard. Au contraire! They are actually super-yum! They come in loads of varieties, mostly chocolate based. My faves are Triple Chocolate Chunk and Double Chocolate Dream. And they DO taste as good as their names sound. Ok, so, long story short I had one for breakfast and they are actually really filling.

For lunch I came home and my Robb made me a peanut butter sandwich with a surprise pool of jelly smack dab in the middle. I think from now on I'll just make my own sandwiches. When made with wheat bread and a light coating of pb, these sammies aren't bad on the point-o-meter! Plus you get some protein.

Dinner, I splurged since I had plenty of points. I ate some tasty, cheesy pizza. Actually, it's the best pizza of all time if you ask me and you can get it in the freezer section of the grocery store. Yep! That's right! Frozen pizza. Home Run pizza to be exact. Not so easy on the points, but if you have 'em, this pizza is a worthy spend!

So far, not bad. What I love about WW is that you aren't forbidden from eating anything but it'll cost ya! So you start being thrifty with your points. Sure I can eat a piece of cheesecake. It's just that I'll have to live on water and a couple green beans for the rest of the day. So then you start choosing to have a bite of cheesecake rather than the whole piece and you fill up on all of the healthy stuff- and then you wake up one day and realize you're a healthy-eater!!!

So, happy eating this weekend, folks!! But take it easy- weigh day is just around the corner!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Blechy Blech Blech

So Day 2 is under my belt and I'm still flyin' high! Considering that I had to travel to Timbuktu and back yesterday, I did very well. I had a light Hazelnut Iced Coffee from McD's for breakfast yesterday. Then we had a business lunch meeting at which I talked most of the time (I can hear several of you and your comments- You? Talk the whole time? Never!) and didn't actually eat at lunch. So I scarfed a few bites before we left and while I was not hunger-satisfied I was definitely soul-satisfied that I did not consume all the fried goodies they had to offer.

Dinner threatened to be a bit of a struggle considering my pantry consists mainly of cooking spray, sugar, salt and olive oil and despite the creative chef I may be, there's nothing that can be done with those ingredients. So, we had breakfast for dinner (ain't nuthin' wrong wit dat, yo!). I love having BFD. My Robb really wanted monkey bread and I have this great microwave recipe (no, no- 'tis tasty!) so I started putting together ingredients, desperately hoping to make monkey bread healthy. Is such a daring feat even possible? I say to you, it is! So, you take a can of refrigerator biscuits (which are surprisingly low in points) and cut each doughy disc into quarters. Then you put 2 tablespoons of the lowest fat "butter" possible, about a tablespoon or 2 of water, lots of cinnamon, and 1/3 cup of, wait for it, Splenda Brown Sugar, into a bowl and nuke it for 1 minute. Then add your quartered biscuits, making sure you keep the pieces separated. Toss lightly and nuke that for 2 and 1/2 minutes and voila!- you have monkey bread!

Side Note: So, I'd never used Splenda Brown Sugar which is half splenda, half brown sugar. It was actually tasty and totally fooled my Robb as he didn't notice a diff. Actually, I would say it made the dish richer (mmmm....delish) and it's like half the cals!

With monkey bread, I ate 2 eggs and a few pieces of turkey bacon (which I have amazingly discovered I like far more than real bacon- no lie!) It was a great day for my "un-diet". =) hehe

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day One is Done

So ends my first day on this path to a healthier weight. I can honestly say that I've stayed within my daily points with just enough points to savor a Mountain Dew before I head to bed. I know, I know. Doesn't seem like the best of ideas to drink a caffeine-packed sugary beverage just before hitting the hay. But, to my knowledge, Mountain Dew never hurt any hay. Right? Lame. I know. It's also probably not a wise move considering that I have to get up at the butt-crack of dawn to drive all the way to Elgin, IL (North of Chicago) for a meeting at 11am. Blech!

Anyhoo, I started the day with a bowl of Kashi Go Lean cereal and boy, they're not kidding about making healthy food taste good. So yummy in my tummy. I think I started the day just right. A pudding snack and Healthy Choice meal for lunch and I was good to go for the rest of my afternoon. It's always nice when you actually choose the right foods that fill you up during the day. I know this will not always happen, but it's a good thing it did on Day One.

I made a chicken breast and turkey bacon sandwich for dinner and my Robb was even jealous of my tasty meal. Mmm...hmmm...that's right. I also stole a few of Lainie's puffs snacks but considering you can eat like 70 pieces for 25 calories, I wasn't really worried.

All in all it was a good start. So? How about the rest of you?

In the Beginning....God Created Food

Good morning to all! I am so excited that so many people have responded and some are even choosing to join in on the action! Remember, if you want to share your experiences you can post them in the comments or email me ahead of time and I'll include your stuff in my post!

So, this is Day One. Because I know that there are those that have decided they need accountability too, I don't have any choice. There will be no backing down, no bowing out. I simply must finish what I've started. I have decided that the only way for this to work (at least for myself) is to be brutally honest about everything with one major exception- you know, women don't reveal their weight. That's the only thing I won't be revealing (duh!), but everything else is fair game!

How honest, you might be wondering? Honest enough that if I gain 12 pounds in one week because I suddenly decide that chocolate really is essential to every meal, I'll tell you. If I wasn't able to resist the Ravioli di Portabello at Olive Garden and I ate myself stupid, yeah, I'll tell you that too. I'll even admit it when I come to work in maternity pants because they are more comfortable than the rest of the pants in my closet that I can still wear but are snug enough to be uncomfortably so- I won't try to pretend like everything else in my wardrobe was dirty and much to my chagrin I was "forced" to wear said maternity pants.

That said, yeah. *heh heh* I'm wearing maternity pants today. Oh, for those women out there that have finally given in to the scary, belly-stretched pants during pregnancy and came to realize and appreciate just how wonderful they can be, you may do well to understand that they remain comfortable for those of us overweight folk even after pregnancy. I'm not condoning this ridiculous behavior so much as desperately trying to justify it! ~tee hee~ As I sit here and realize exactly what I'm about to admit to and put out there for the world to read, I feel that I should be more embarrassed than I am. I am, slightly so. But to my everlasting shame, I'm still in love with them. At least for now. I still wear those snug pants too, so have no fear- my entire wardrobe does not consist solely of maternity clothes. =) And just as soon as I drop about 15 pounds I think those pants will no longer be snug at all!

So, tonight I will blog about how Day One turned out. Any words you want to share, please do so. We're in this together, people!

And........WE'RE OFF!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Desperately Seeking Accountability

I've decided that I really want to lose weight. But darn it, if it's not nearly impossible to stay motivated. I mean, seriously, it's one thing right after another. Just when I get settled into a resolute peace, BAM!, something new goes awry and I'm back yearning for chocolate to soothe the soul or deep-fried mozz sticks to comfort me. Side note: the truth is, those chocolate goodies and fried delights do, if momentarily, bring a great calm for me in the middle of a nervous breakdown, er, I mean storm. However, when the scales serve the evidence to me the next morning of just exactly what those treats brought to the table, I sink into depression, yet again. And then, chocolate? Is that you? Oooooh! And you brought caramel with you? Mmm hmmm....it's a vicious cycle of good-for-nothings.
Once upon a time, in a galaxy (read: life) far, far away....I used to do Weight Watchers. I used to attend meetings and follow the plan faithfully and I lost a good deal of weight. Knowing that I can be successful on WW I really, really want to follow it again. Here's the prob (because, after all, there has to be a prob to begin with)- I just can't justify (yes, I mean afford) to attend meetings right now. Seeing as I still have my materials and notes from my earlier endeavors, I thought I might, perchance, do it on my own. Yeah, but that presents another issue: I NEED ACCOUNTABILITY. I don't know if it was the applause roaring for pounds lost, ringing the bell for each 5 pound accomplishment, the stickers for minor steps taken in the right direction, or the rewards for major milestones (I once got the coolest key chain for losing 10% of my starting weight, and a refrigerator magnet for losing 25 pounds), but attending meetings seemed to be key for me. So, if I cannot attend then I must find a new avenue of praise and reward to satiate my inner child for giving up a life of comfort-eating.
So, as I've been trying to figure out what I should blog about, it occurred to me that this blog would be the perfect opportunity and outlet for accountability and maybe even a cyber-high five here, and a virtual pat on the back there. I also had this inkling that maybe, just maybe, others might want to join in on the action via comments of their own undertakings to shed some flab. I invite anyone who wants to participate by commenting with your own stories, encouraging those who are desperately trying to stick with it, or just to laugh with us when we cite midnight awakenings to the cries of a donut begging to be consumed. Here's to ya- may the most devoted lose!

Monday, September 14, 2009

What God's Love Looks Like

Sometimes you have to get sucker punched right in the gut to get it. I mean, sometimes you just have to be within inches of sanity to realize what it is. Sometimes you have to come directly to the edge of the cliff and look over expecting that any second a mighty gust of wind is going to sweep over you and you'll fall head first over the cliff to know what it means. "It" is the love that God has for those He created.

I would probably, normally have compared His love to a Mother's love. Sure, it's that. The love you feel for your child is a different love than any other love you have for those in your life. It's a fiercely protective love. It is self sacrificing. It exists from the beginning. His love is even more than that.

Some would compare His love to that of a husband and wife. The tender, companionship type of love that chooses you above all else in this world. The love of a person who knows the real you- the horrid, hateful you, the kind, gentle you, the funny you, the crazy you, the wretched you, the near-perfect you- and loves you no matter what. Chooses you even still.

God's love is both. God's love is everything love is supposed to be. Everything love can be. God's love exists no matter what your heart's current attachment may be. His love is for you always.

The most profound characteristic of His love is how quickly it heals. Not how quickly it heals you, but how quickly it heals itself. Day after day we stomp on God's heart. We make lofty promises in prayer and then walk away, as if God is left in our bedroom not to witness our day, and we go out and do the opposite of what we promised. God wasn't left in our bedroom where we left our prayerful promises. He sees every move we make. Every sin we commit. We claim our love for Him as eagerly as teenagers who have discovered their first infatuation. We repeat what we've heard our Pastors and family and friends say in their prayers as if just a repetition of "the right words" even matters to God. We are deceitfully fulfilled by our chatter as if we have accomplished a task on our daily "to-do" list. Then we go out and we commit our affairs. We chase our lusts and desires. We go after the things we idolize. We seek that which makes us feel good. We work on bolstering our self-esteem, making more money to buy more stuff, shopping to soothe our souls, we complain about our jobs demanding too much, we gossip about people to make ourselves feel better, and at the end of the day we return home. We watch tv, eat dinner (sometimes throwing up a quick prayer to God that might be the equivalent of a "high five", thanks for the meal), and then we go to bed.

There we find God where we left Him, forgetting that He accompanied us through our entire day. We offer our thanks for the day, toss in a few "please be with"s for those in our lives that are suffering, and ask that God help us through tomorrow. Then God cries. He is the scorned lover that wasn't waiting at home oblivious to our wayward heart. He is the only eyewitness account of our entire day's endeavors. He is crushed over and over again. But, with His new mercy each morning, He continues to love us. He continues to forgive us. He knows exactly what we have our hearts set to do even before we know and He still chooses love.

It isn't until we experience the kind of kick-in-the-gut situation that we get it. I have been faced with such a situation. I have gone through such a situation recently, in fact. You love someone so much and for some reason they don't get it. They can't understand your love for them. Suddenly, you're rocked, riddled by pain that you just can't understand. You struggle between the world's point of view and God's. You stop and think about the fact that He has given everything and anything just to be with you and how could you offer less to those you love. You experience rejection like you've never known and you remember those mindless prayers you offered up and the God of all love that still took you back every night. You are torn between pain and the punishment you want to inflict and the love you have and the knowledge of all that God has done for you. You either make the sacrifice and choose to continue to love or you turn and walk away to "save" your heart. I sacrificed.

The most unexpected return in all of this is to find out that the sacrifice proved to be the blessing. And you can only know that because you chose it. You can see how it would have turned out if you had taken any other path only because you didn't. Putting aside the anger, the hurt, the claims you have with which you could charge someone. You find that it was better. In the moment before your decision is made you just think that walking away from that person will make all of the pain and hurt go away. But when you don't walk away, you realize that walking away would have produced a new world of pain. It's so mind-boggling to find that choosing forgiveness actually healed the pain. How can it be so?

I have learned to listen for God's will. Actually, I had already learned to really listen before this situation and if not for such learning I would never have made the right decision. I don't mean to talk in twists and turns but I will explain.

About a year ago I was, let's say, tipped off that I'd be out of a job come January. I was quite preggers, as you may or may not recall, and it was quite scary to think of not having a job right around the time I expected to return to work. Knowing this, I started looking for a new job that I could start after maternity leave. I knew of another employer and I attempted to contact this employer's president. I did a few times to no avail. I turned to God and said, "Lord, I know Your will is best for my life. How could I not want what's best? You can see things that I can't and you know why something it not best that may look good to me now. So, if you want me to have this job, then let the employer's president respond. If she does not, then I know it isn't what you have for me." Before you go all, "look at her being so faithful to God", there was an even bigger lesson to be learned here. See, she did call me back. She told me that I was seriously underpaid and I deserved so much more. She wanted me to take whatever time I needed for my leave and start whenever I was ready. She also wanted to take with me one of my co-workers as we'd make the perfect team. After I hung up, I called my co-worker to tell her the good news. Not long after that conversation, my co-worker told me that she would be starting with them shortly, and she did. What I didn't tell anyone was that I didn't feel comfortable about going to work for them. From the second I hung up the phone with the employer's president, I was on a mission to convince myself it was right. After all, I specifically told God not to have her call me unless it was His will, right? Not exactly.

The unsettled feeling gnawed at me constantly. Each time it did I would talk to a friend or a family member reciting all of the promises the employer's president made to me. Of course, that person would tell me I was so lucky to have such a great opportunity. And each time, that gnawing feeling would all but subside. But it wasn't long and it was back. And each time it came back it brought friends.

So what did this mean? This was supposed to be a gift from God, right? Why was I so uneasy about it? Well, I didn't ask God not to let her call if it wasn't His will. I just asked that she call if it was His will. Her interest in me and my co-worker turned out to be His will after all, but it was only part of it. See, what God really had planned for me was to take my co-worker's position she was leaving behind, something that had never crossed my mind. Until the day it was offered to me, the day my co-worker announced she was leaving. The moment it was offered to me I accepted and that unsettled feeling was gone. However, the offer from the other employer was still very much on the table. In fact, they were expecting me to work for them. I still had to tell them "no", and in telling them "no" I would have to tell those that I had worked so hard to convince (while trying to convince myself), that it wasn't the right place for me. I know I followed God's will.

So when this more current situation arose, I already knew how to listen for God's will. Let me tell you, sometimes, you have to listen very, very carefully. The world is a very loud place and those in it have very loud voices. God's voice is very small, very quiet. I think it's because He wants us to want to hear His voice and in order to do so, you have to shut all other noise out. He wants our undivided attention. I wouldn't have known how to put my hurt aside to continue with love if God hadn't already taught me how to listen to His voice when all other voices threaten to drown Him out. He was clear. He is message is always love. But love isn't always easy and that's when His strength and His example are what carries us through to the other side.

Lessons learned: Love isn't easy but it's still the blessing and it's worth it. God's lessons are hard and sometimes painful, but they are always most rewarding when we listen for Him.