Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Here Comes the Sun...Dittle Dee Dee

 Well, I did see the sun briefly this glorious a.m. I mean, I realize it's a Monday, for crying out loud, but it has been a relatively productive Monday. It actually doesn't feel like Monday to me. I got up earlier than usual, got everything done I needed to, got myself and the baby girl ready on time, to the sitter and then to work. I came in to the office, which immediately let off the smell of brewing coffee. Now, that's the way Mondays should go.
 As I sit here sipping morning coffee, with less and less sugar as time goes by, I'm reflecting on the weekend and how I felt that I ate so horribly. Now, I counted every single point. So, it's not as if I went rogue for the weekend and lost control. I didn't. But, I ate pancakes, bacon and eggs yesterday and that makes me feel like I've done something horribly wrong. Sure, I counted the points. Sure, I didn't go over my daily points yesterday at all. It just amazes me that one can consume said breakfast and still lose weight. Well, this morning, I got on the scales. Yes, I know, I know. I cheated. I'm not supposed to do that until Wednesday and only at WW. Well, I just wanted to see where I was. According to the scales, from the last time I weighed on the home scales (which was last week, either Monday or Tuesday) I'm down 3 pounds. So, I continue to lose weight and I continue to be amazed.
 I love being so committed to weight loss. I love the feeling of being so motivated. I'm enjoying the "honeymoon" phase of it all because I know that the time will come (though probably not for a while) when I may plateau and Jiminy Cricket won't be on my shoulder telling me the right thing to eat. I'll just have to dig my heels in and not give up. For now though, I'm gonna enjoy the ease of being fresh into WW and losing weight.
 So, Happy Monday! Happy Week! Happy Eating!

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