Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

One-Pound Blessing

 It was inevitable. After two weeks of these huge weight losses (hey- 4 pounds the first and 4.8 the second are pretty big losses), what did I expect? For starters, I expected more than a pound. I needed to lose 1.2 pounds to make it to 10. I would have rang the bell two weeks in a row. That would have been something. But, it was a pound. Just one measley pound. I was disappointed. I felt myself shrink in confidence as I made my way to my seat. I even felt like bursting into tears. When I thought about blogging about tonight's loss I thought of several different titles. One-Pound Slap in the Face. One-Pound Reality Check. Those are just two of the titles I was pondering.

 Then I started thinking about what that ONE pound really meant. It means I'm doing something right. If I was doing something wrong that would have been a plus one (or more) rather than a minus one. It means that I'm on the right track. I'm moving forward and the scales are still moving downward. It may be only a pound. But it could have been nothing at all. Or worse- a gain! A gain would mean that weight I worked hard to lose over the past two weeks was gained back. I'm getting closer to my goal. I'm moving toward my goal one pound at a time. This is one of those pounds. It isn't a tragedy. It's a triumph. It's not a "slap in the face". It's a blessing. It's an accomplishment. In three weeks I've lost nearly 10 pounds. Only .2 away from 10. It's still an average of a little over 3 pounds a week. That's quite something.

 So, I didn't ring the bell tonight. So what? It just means I'll ring it next week. Will I? I think so. Considering the smallest one can lose according to the scales is .2, any loss will get me there because that's all I have to get to 10 pounds. I'm currently 4.2 pounds away from my first goal. That's something. The bell will be there next week. And the week after. And after. It's gonna be there and I'm gonna be ringing it. I ring it for every 5 pounds. One week it might be 4 pounds that gets me there. One week it might be less than a pound. Either way, I'm losing weight. That's what is important. I'm doing what I've set out to do. For Lainie. For Robb. For me. Especially for me.

 So that pound....it's my blessing. I love that pound gone. I'm proud of that pound gone. Happy Eating!

1 comment:

  1. good riddance pound! and all the rest of them that i know you will lose. you are doing great!! i'm glad you saw the pound as the blessing it was, any loss is a "gain" for you :D
