Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Own Super Bowl Victory

 The Saints weren't the only winners yesterday! (Although I was extremely happy they won!) Let me take you on a tour of my Super Bowls past. For the most part, I never really was much of a football watcher until I started getting invited each year to super bowl parties at a couple's house. The husband makes the world's most amazing dips. No joke. Then there's the wings. The Lil' Smokies wrapped in anything and everything unhealthy- crescent rolls, bacon, barbeque sauce, etc. I'm such a sucker for those little guys. I ate and ate until the button on my pants shot open for dear life. And then I ate some more. Point value eaten- probably somewhere around 1000! *heh heh*

 So, this year, I had to tackle eating healthier while still enjoying the SB fare. Well, I scoured the WW website for any recipes that would be SB-worthy and point-friendly. What I found were some delectable goodies with point values to cheer about! I also had the very good fortune of finding Lil' Smokies made with turkey meat! Can you even believe it? With a fat gram count of 4 (as opposed to the full-fat version's 14grams) these little suckers were a-maz-ing! So, here is the SB recipes, just for your eating pleasure.

Pepperoni Pizza Potato Skins

2- large baking potatoes, baked, quartered length-wise
1/3- cup mozzarella cheese, fat free
1/3- cup pizza sauce
2- oz. turkey pepperonis, chopped

Scoop off the top 1/2 to 2/3 of the potatoes. Add pizza sauce, pepperonis, and cheese. Bake in a preheated oven at 425 degrees for approximately 6-7 minutes, or until cheese is all melted.

Serving size: 2 quarters  Point Value: 2

Mmmm.....delicious. I used the remaining pizza sauce to dip them in!

Crescent Roll Lil' Turkey Smokies

1- can crescent rolls
1- package Lil' Turkey Smokies

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Each individual crescent roll dough should be divided into 5 pieces. Wrap each Lil' Turkey Smokie. Bake for 11-13 minutes, or until crescent dough is baked through.

These babies are about 1 point each.

Note: If you substitute the reduced-fat crescent rolls I'm sure that the points would be better. I just couldn't find any. Too many reduced fat-crescent roll hogs at my market apparently!

Sausage & Salsa Creamy Warm Dip

1- lb sausage, cooked
1- cup salsa
1- block light cream cheese, room temp

Put all ingredients in a crock pot on high until all cream cheese has melted and you can stir to combine. Then put on your lowest setting. You should use a small crock pot if you have one. Otherwise, use a small pot on the stove and keep on low. But keep stirring!

Servings: 8     Point Value: 4

It's hefty in the point-department, I do realize. However, this dip is heavenly. You could reduce the points further by using fat-free cream cheese (which I think is unnatural, but if you like it, use it) and reduced-fat sausage (which I love but couldn't find- additional hogs at the super market). Next time, I may try the *gag* fat-free cream cheese at the risk of ruining a whole batch of creamy goodness. I'm definitely gonna hunt down reduced-fat sausage.

Enjoy these delectable goodies at your next appe-teaser event! Happy Eating!

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