Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

That Scale Jumped Up

 To say that last week was a really rough week for me (and I'm speaking in terms of WW week, not a regular week) would be an understatement. It wasn't rough. It was finding yourself smack dab in the eye of a hurricane rough. Plus, it was super hectic. Run here, get there, do this, don't forget that. Lots and lots of stuff. I'm not having a pity party- I promise! What I realized is, this is just how life tends to go. Pretend I'm a super thin woman that has never once had to worry about weight and going through my week. She might snack a bit here and there and gain a pound or 1.4 to be exact. Oh well, she says, it's because of the fact I didn't really pay attention to what I was eating last week but I'll do better this week. That 1.4 pounds falls off of her. No sweat. Such is life for the overweight woman who has truly dedicated herself to a life of healthy eating.
 In case you haven't guessed it, that 1.4 pounds I'm talking about is how much I gained this week. To be honest, I knew I'd have a gain. Between stress and work and life in general (and not having access to my WW books which I left at home and having no internet access for the entirety of the weekend) I didn't pay as close of attention to what I was eating as I should have. I sipped way too many Cokes while staying at my MIL's house. I was hoping that gain would be less than 2 pounds and so it was. I'm not devastated. I'm really ok. I forgive myself that 1.4 because it could have been a lot worse. I was still somewhat aware of what I was eating so I didn't abandon everything I've learned over the past month. This is a good thing.

 At my last WW meeting, a woman said that she had finally reached "lifetime" which is accomplished when one reaches their goal weight and maintains it for 6 weeks. All anyone wanted to know was how long it took her to get there. I like her response- "it doesn't matter how long it takes, it just matters that it takes". I love that. It doesn't matter how long it takes you to get to your goal. What matters is that it takes, that it sticks. That everything you've learned sticks with you. Obviously, things I'm learning are already sticking. Saturday I ate at the Hard Rock Cafe in St. Louis. Everyone got big juicy cheeseburgers and fries. I opted for the veggie burger and a salad with light balsamic vinaigrette. Do I regret not eating a cheeseburger and fries? Not at all. (Although I'm just a little starving right now and it sounds sooo good) That's my new secret weapon to fight off the impulse-eating. Tomorrow, will I regret not eating this or that or will I be glad I didn't? All of those Cokes I drank, in the moment I just "had to have one". But today, I'm thinking, wow, I wish I hadn't. I need water. It's a process. But I am well on my way.

 Happy Thursday (which means tomorrow's Friday- yee haw!)! Happy Eating!

1 comment:

  1. it's bound to happen. it's been a rough week! i think you still did awesome considering. way to go diet diva!! :) hopefully it will be a loss next week. so happy to see a new blog post!
