Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Undeserved Break

 I so didn't deserve the loss I had last night. Nonetheless, I had a loss. And it was a good loss. I lost 2.6 pounds, got to ring the bell, made my first 10, and I'm 1.6 pounds from my first personal goal! And that very well may happen next week. Also, get this, this so cracks me up. On WW online where I enter my weight, they tell me I'm losing too fast and I need to slow it down. hahahahahahahahahahaha This makes me laugh so frickin' hard. I don't think I've ever been told to slow down my weight loss. I'm averaging 3 pounds a week and they would like it to be 2 pounds per week. Well, listen here WW online! I refuse to lose slower. Sorry! When you have as much weight as I have to lose, the quicker you start getting down, the better. =)

 I needed it. After having a bit of heartache yesterday, having such a great loss was really a good pick-me-up for my soul. As was the Big Mac and fries I had for dinner. Funny thing is- I didn't go over my daily points in consuming said BM and F. I was a wee bit stressed during the day and didn't really eat. So I had tons of points left. Even better, my mama brought Lainie back to me after a small road trip visiting family. So she ate dinner with me and it was nice. I needed that too. What's more (yes, I know, it keeps getting better) my mom told me that she has gained back 18 pounds of what she lost and that she knows it wouldnt' be hard to lose so she wants to do it before it becomes more. She wants me to hold her accountable and ask her about stuff and she said she'd do the same for me. I would encourage her to go to WW, but I can honestly say it isn't for her. Not that it wouldn't work for her. It works for anyone who puts their  heart into it. But the idea of counting points is a huge turn off to her. She's more likely to try to cut down portions and eat only when hungry, stop when satisfied. That's her thing. Either way, I'm happy she wants to "lose together".

 Well, that's all I have for now! I brought milk today so that I could make tomato soup (because, let's face it, you have to make tomato soup with milk- duh!) and I brought 2 slices of my whole grain bread (1 point for 2 slices), my Brummel & Brown fake butter, and a green pepper and ranch dip for a snack. I planned well. For dinner tonight, we're eating salmon and probably broccoli. Maybe cauliflower. I haven't decided.

 Happy Thursday! Happy Victory (if you've had one)! Happy Eating!

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