Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Feeling Better

 So this morning I woke up feeling better. I don't feel necessarily thin. But I feel better. I feel less "fat". As in, bloated and disgusting. Pretty much the way most women feel during their "monthly event". heh heh Anyway, I feel more capable of staying on track. I also feel a whole heck of a lot less head-hungry. I think that's also one of those things that happens once a month. You just feel like a bottomless pit and nothing that's actually good for you sounds any good. Chocolate. Soothing, sweet chocolate. That's all I wanted all weekend. I ate 2 Cabury Caramel eggs. Sinfully good. I love Cadbury chocolate. It is, hands down, my all-time fave. I used to love regular Cadbury eggs but since they introduced us to those delectable, caramel-filled goodies, I rarely revert back. What's nice about those eggs is, if you enjoy them nice and slow, they are very rich and satifying on the choco-meter!
 Am I still craving chocolate? Oh, yeah! I could eat chocolate with every meal for the rest of my life and be happy (if not for the pesky pounds, cholesterol, and assortment of general bad health that come along with eating like that). But, what's good is I feel like I have my "power" back. I'm speaking of the power that I feel when I know I can and will make the right food choices. Why, already today I've eaten a banana, one whole green bell pepper dipped in light ranch dressing, a WW meal, and I ate a Hershey's Snacksters 100 cal pack. Well within a respectable amount of points. I've consumed about 3 servings of veggies between the pepper and the meal. I've had one fruit. I've also indulged in just a touch of chocolate. Enough to sustain me. Everything I've chosen, save the chocolate, are filling foods which is someting WW encourages. So, I'm doing pretty darn good so far today. I haven't figured out dinner tonight, which can present a problem. But, I'm leaning toward chicken tacos (a low-point fave) and maybe even some popcorn while I watch my Lost (and Damages from last night). BG is off to Grandma's for the night and the hubby is back in St. Charles. So it's just me and Tankers to hold down the fort.
 I also have a small confession. I wanted a reality check this morning so I did what I'm not supposed to do. That's right. I weighed. Although, I feel no shame. It did me some good. I was fully expecting to see the scales go up. But instead, they were down. Not a whole lot. Just a bit over a pound. But that was a pretty encouraging way to get this day started right. What would I have done if they had gone up? I don't know. Don't have to worry about that today.
 Weighs-Day is tomorrow. I'm just hoping for a .2 loss so I can make my first 10. I'll get to ring the bell and get another sticker. I'll also be only 4 pounds away from a first personal goal. I'm good with that.

Happy Eating! Happy Fat Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. so glad you are feeling better!! i'll bet you'll get to ring the bell tomorrow :)
