Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Feeling Fatter

 So, I have watched my points like a hawk. I really have. Whenever I cook anything I make sure that I enter into the nifty "Recipe Builder" that WW website has for those subscribed to the online tools. It's great because it calculates all of the points for you.
 Well, like I said, a hawk. So, this morning, I cheated again. Cheated as in, I weighed. The scales read the exact same number as yesterday and it makes me feel, well, fatter. I mean, I'm fat to begin with but somehow, when I'm losing weight, I magically feel thinner. I mean, I know I'm not significantly thinner or anything like that. It'll take a bit of time before weight loss really starts showing. But, I feel thinner. So, seeing the scales not budge this morning makes me feel fatter. I just feel fat. Not confident at all.
 This is exactly why I'm not supposed to be weighing myself through the week. Any number of things can make weight fluctuate, even in one day. Last night my dinner was rather salty which means that I could be retaining a bit of water due to the salt. It happens.
 So, I need to stop cheating. I'm still excited about Weighs-Day tomorrow. I still know I'll lose. I'm hoping for 2 pounds, although 1 is enough for me to ring the bell. I've set a goal for myself that I want to lose 15 pounds total by the first weigh-in in March. That gives me 5 weigh-ins, including the one on that first Wednesday in March. I've already lost 4, so I only need to lose 11 more. I think I can do that in 5 weigh-ins. After all, it's just 2 pounds a week.
 So, Happy Tuesday! Happy Eating! And Happy Weigh-In Tomorrow!!

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