Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Monday, February 15, 2010

When the Going Gets Tough

 You know that old saying- when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Unfortunately for me, this week, the tough didn't get going, the tough got eating. I mean, I haven't entirely blown it or anything. But I've used all of my daily points in a bad way. The truth is, I tried very hard to stay encouraged after having a 1 pound loss. I really did. The problem is that I felt fatter. Ok, so thin and fat here are relative terms, not actual terms. I am not thin. But losing 4 pounds one week and 4.8 pounds the next, I felt thinner. So, losing just one pound, for some reason, I felt fatter. My body hasn't significantly changed. But it's the way I've felt. I think that a certain monthly "event" happening this week didn't help. Notice (ladies, anyway) how when that week happens you feel fat? I just feel gross this week. So, I have over-eaten. Like I said, I've used weekly points. But still, not in a good way. I've been using them to eat the emotional roller coaster that is this "monthly event".
 I'm afraid of a gain this week. I really am. I  hate when I feel "off". I feel off this week. I'm afraid of not getting that momentum back. But I have to. I just have to get back up on my feet. I mean, that "monthly event" will be over and maybe I won't feel so "fat".
 So, Happy Week! Happy Eating!


  1. i know exactly what you mean!!! you do feel "fat" during that monthly event. and i know what you mean about feeling thinner after a small weight loss, it's not noticeable, but you just FEEL it, and that helps propel you to keep going. i think after your event is over, you'll get back into it. go back and read your blogs about feeling good. i think that will motivate you to keep going! you can do it PK :)

  2. Thanks, CJ! It's been a rough weekend. But, this morning, I'm feeling better. I brought veggies and dip for a snack and a banana for breakfast. Got my WW meal for lunch. So, I think I'll be ok starting today.
