Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Victory is Sweet

Week 1 under my belt and I made a huge victory- on and off the scales!! First of all, my loss because it is such a big deal!! I lost 4 pounds!!!! Dum da da dum!!! Big victories off the scales include some pretty awesome discoveries and temptation defeats. First of all, I stared down the fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and cheesecake last Friday. I ate Mexican two days in a row- Saturday and Sunday. Then on Monday I had company over and we made this amazing burger with "garlic and chives" cheese curds in the middle of the burger, a bacon "patty" under the burger, and alfredo sauce drizzled all over the top. I know. It sounds over the top and believe me- IT WAS!!!! I know what you're thinking- it is absolutely, absurdly impossible that I consumed said food and lost said poundage, but indeed, I did. Yes. I did. So, "how is it possible?" should be the next question you ask. Because, dear friend, I counted the points. I used nearly every last flex point I had, as I'm sure you can imagine. But, it was worth it. Very worth it. I was so proud of myself.

The other victory off the scale was discovering that, if I come home hugely hungry and seriously over-exhausted then I need to have a very small 1 or 2 point snack and facebook for about 30 minutes. After that, I'm ready to cook a very healthy meal. It works for me.

I have yet another victory to share, although it isn't part of last week, but belongs to this week's victories. Today I had a meeting out of town and they had a very beautifully-catered spread. They had everything a non-dieting person can only dream of (and consume without the guilt of point crushing) and this diet diva just shouldn't eat. So, I had to get a game plan together. First, a salad. Now, salad can be point devastating if you drench the salad in dressing. So, I piled on lettuce, a few crutons (because I can't resist crutons), skipped the bacon bits that were actually real bacon and skipped the cheese, drizzled about a tablespoon of ranch dressing, and moved on. I chose to eat the steamed vegetables though doing so forced me to reach right over the scintillating mashed potatoes (of which I ate none). I chose the fish over the fried chicken. Then, there was the dessert table. Oh, the desserts. Cheesecakes of varying flavors, apple pie, chocolate cake. I had to glance very quickly and then away so that it would not hypnotize me and draw me over. Victory- I ate not a bit of any dessert. Can I get a woo hoo??

So, those are the victories for me to report. Until tomorrow, Happy Eating! Happy Friday!!! Happy, oh Happy Weekend!!

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