Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I have to admit, I hate exercising. I don't mind exercising when I don't know that it's exercise. But I hate to exercise. I have this love-hate relationship with it. I love to hate it. heh heh  Ok, I know, I know. It's a necessary evil. Ok, it isn't evil. It's just necessary. It's like dieting. As soon as I tell myself I can't have something, I want it. You know I can live every day without eating a piece of bread but if I were to go on the no/low carb diet, all I'd want is bread. I hate chocolate cake. Really, can't stand it. But if I tell myself I'm no longer allowed to have it, I'm gonna want it. I don't know why my mind works like this. It just does. Well, the same rings true for exercise. If I tell myself that I am going to get up at 6 am and I'm gonna exercise for 30-45 minutes, that is the morning that I absolutely, under no circumstances, can drag myself out of bed. I love the Wii and the Wii Fit games. But as soon as I tell myself I have to start doing them as part of some fitness regimen, I'll start making excuses why I can't do it. I hate this about me, but it's just the truth.

I do want to start exercising and I want to enjoy it. I used to love (as corny as it sounds) doing Richard Simmons' Sweatin' to the Oldies. It is actually really fun and I love those songs, courtesy of lots of rides to Junior High with my Grandma. I'm gonna look for them on DVD. I really do need to start doing the Wii Fit. For fun even. Just getting up and moving. I'm gonna try to commit. Maybe not commit. Maybe I'll just say I'm gonna do a little less farmin' (on FB- Farmville- I'm a certified addict) and do a little more groovin'.

I'm going to my first WW meeting since rejoining. I rejoined Friday via the internet but you still have to go weigh in. So I will not have lost anything at this point. But I will be losing. I usually get some good recipes at the meetings too so I'll share them when I can. Happy Eating and Exercising! Or, should I say, Groovin'!


  1. I've always wanted to do Richard Simmon's sweating to the oldies!! I like those old school songs and I really don't like watching workout videos where everyone looks so perfect. Makes me wanna barf. I want some real people who are really trying to lose weight! I think I've seen a commercial for the dvd version, cause I wanted to order it!

  2. I am going to find them. I used to do them all the time. You end up sweating a little by the end. But they're so funny. And I just find Richard Simmons to be endearing. I think only a couple of the exercisers are skinny. Most were going through his weight loss plan at the time.
