Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Friday, January 1, 2010

It's All Gonna Be New

 Hello! Hi! Bon Jour! Hola! Here I am! Were you looking for me? Have you missed me? Well, I have missed you! I have. Really.

 First and foremost, this does in fact mean that I am issuing a return to my blogging ways as well as to my original plan of losing weight. Also, as some may know, my Robb has gotten a job in St. Charles and we are relocating. Now, nothing official for me just yet. He's gonna give it some time before we go moving.

 So, while the cat is gone, this mouse is gonna play. Play, meaning return to Weight Watchers. Not just the plan, either. I'm going back to meetings! I need them so desperately. I tried blogging for my accountability and to no avail. This Diet Diva needs the meetings. I need to ring a frickin' bell, people!!

 I do promise complete honesty. As we speak I'm laying my hand over my heart (after I put down the McDonald's fries I'm having for dinner) and swearing to complete honesty. Today is my last day of freedom. As my best friend pointed out to the world, this is the beginning of a new decade. A decade! Anything can happen now. That anything for me is to get healthy! It doesn't matter how long it takes to get the ultimate goal weight. What matters is, I'm gonna do it. For real.

 So, join me if you will on a decade long adventure to health! Here's to you!

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