Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's WEIGHS-DAY!!! (Week 1)

Well, today is the big day! I feel like I've had such an awesome WW week. I counted every single point that I've consumed and I'm so proud of myself for doing it. The only thing that I'm a bit bummed about is that I didn't do any exercising. I was in Quincy Friday through Sunday and then stayed in J'ville Sunday night so I didn't get home from leaving Friday until Monday night. Then it was rush rush rush! I had company over to help me pick up my new hutch (which I got for the basement-bargain price of $20). Then we created our hamburger for the upcoming Kenny's Burger Bash! By the time they left (with there three boys aged 5 and under) my house was destroyed and I was exhausted. Then my Robb came home and we hung out for a while. I only get him for a few evenings a week lately and it's just not enough time. Blah.

This WW week, I'm staying home for the weekend and will have time to exercise. I also need to clean and do laundry which means that I'll probably be counting some of that as exercise time too! I'm super excited about tonight's meeting and look forward to a good loss. You never know because your weight fluctuates even during the day. But I imagine I'll lose, at least, a couple of pounds! I'll report the results tomorrow.

Happy WEIGHS-DAY!!! It's also the middle of the week! Yay! Only two more work days after this one! Hip hip hooray!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing phenomenal Diet Diva! I'm so proud of you! Keep it up! :D
