Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day One, It's Done, It Was Fun, Heh Heh

So, I wouldn't mind if every day goes like yesterday did. As you may or may not know yesterday was my first day after my first meeting. So, yesterday was officially the beginning. I know, you can figure that out on your own. I'm just saying it for my benefit. Anyway, WW is stressing that while under the points system you can have anything you want as long as you are calculating the points, you should focus on foods that are "filling". Those types of foods would include lean protein, veggies, fruits, whole grains, you get the picture. So I'm trying to eat more filling foods.

For breakfast I ate a WW bar. For those of you who don't attend meetings, you are so missing out. They are delectable. I'll never forget the first time I actually read the label at my office one morning. I was eating a chocolate-caramel bar (for breakfast, nonetheless) and saw that it was jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, calcium. All of this super duper stuff. I was so excited, if I had been a facebooker at the time, my status for sure would have said something about it. I felt better about eating said chocolate-caramel bar for breakfast. Those, my friend, are filling. They are only 2 points and they are full of deliciousness. Now, WW has come a long way since back in that day. They still have the chocolate-caramel bars and they are still my fave. But today, they have so many varieties of foods. They have bars, oatmeal, baked snacks, and shakes and those items can only be purchased at meetings. Or if you subscribe to online tools (but only online tools- if you do the monthly pass, like me, and go to meetings and have access to online tools, you have to purchase your stuff at the meetings- can I just say, boo!). Anyway, they are super yum and I started my day with one and with some hot tea. Drinking hot tea without sugar in it is a great way to get in some water.

For lunch I ate a WW frozen meals- it was an Artisan Creation. Some sort of steak and cheese stuff in a pita wrap. Super yummy and filling too. For dinner, I was thinking chilli. My version comes to 4 points a serving and a serving is mighty. But when I got home I was super starving and I didn't feel like cooking a big meal, although I knew that would be the wiser choice. So I thought about it. Why not have a small snack to tide me over until I can get dinner made? Plus, when I get home I'm tired. I just want to relax. So, for the first time ever (and I am going to be giving myself a genius status here, because this was, after all, genius of me) I ate one of those WW bars, only a 1 point bar. I got on the computer and relaxed for about 30 minutes. It made all the difference in the world. Then I didn't mind getting up and cooking. I got all the cans opened and put the chilli on the stove and started heating it up. In the meantime, I sliced up a banana for BG (baby girl) and gave her a sippy of milk. Then I relaxed some more. When it was done, I was so happy I didn't opt for what I usually do- eat tons of carbs and never feel satisfied because I didn't eat what I really wanted. Do you ever do that? You are craving something (in my case here, it was chilli) and you opt for something else that's easier and then you never feel satisfied. I need veggies or protein to fill me. I was so proud of myself for coming up with an alternative to eating whatever I got to. Have a healthy snack and give yourself some moments before you go diving into cooking. I felt so much better and chilli hit the spot that only chilli can hit! Yay me!

So, Happy Eating! Happy Friday! Happy Weekend! (and for me- Happy Chilli Leftovers!!!)

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