Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Failure is not an Option

 Well, I am super duper proud of myself after this weekend. First of all, I went to visit the fam which is always nice but usually means "food pushing".  Especially when one is on a diet. I knew my mother was cooking a feast of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and corn. Looking at that menu I heard the faint cries of the WW angel on my shoulder begging me to abort the mission (the "going-home-and-consuming-said-feast" mission). I called up the mother and asked her to include green beans in the meal. Plain, old green beans. I could substitute those for corn. I knew I'd want a piece of chicken and a bit of mashed potatoes and a very small amount of gravy. So I went to work. I looked through my WW books and got online and looked up points. I figured out the points for one chicken thigh and a very small helping of mashed potatoes and gravy. Then, based on the those calculated points, I planned the rest of my day.

 Of course, you know that when you're expecting a heater straight down the middle, that's when you get the dreaded curve ball. I had eaten my chicken, my pots and grav, and some gbeans, and was shining proud of myself, when the mother pulls out the weapon of mass diet-destruction- the cheesecake. My whole body sunk into my chair as if I'd already consumed the cheesecake in shame. The WW angel and the diet devil duked it out as I sat by, already feeling defeat. To my amazement, the WW angel beat the tar out of the diet devil and I did not have said cheesecake. Hip hip hooray! Score 1- WW angel. Later on that night though, I did have a piece. The cheesecake, as it turns out, was actually the pudding kind, which is what I "affectionately" refer to as the fake kind. Points on those babies aren't so disastrous. So, I ate a piece.

 Next day I lunched with my Bestie, and again I figured out all of the points for the meal. I knew we were having Mexican, so again, I figured up the points that I'd need for the meal, and then planned my day accordingly. That seems to be the thing that makes all of the difference- counting points.

 When I decide to splurge and dip into my flex points sometimes the mistake I make is just saying, oh, I'm using flexers and then not actually doing the math. Suddenly, I'm flying right off the track into oncoming diet traffic and I'm being threatened with defeat. But when I sit down, look up points and figure out how many flexers I actually used, that makes for success. Also, being attributed to success is the planning aspect. If I know I'm going out to eat and I know what I want to order, I can plan the rest of the day.

 Overall, a very successful first weekend full of temptations. I did use 20 flex points in all and I'm ok with that. I have 35 a week. It's not a sin or a WW crisis to use them. WW gives them to you weekly, for crying out loud. So, they are there to use and you still can lose weight using them.

 So, that's it. Happy Eating! Happy Monday! Two days 'til Weighsday!!

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