Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Lazy Gone Wild

I've been so lazy ever since the Holiday and I have not been able to pull myself out of this slump. I mean, I've actually been eating a bit healthier because I'm trying to teach my baby girl to eat healthy. I do not want her to have my weight loss struggles so I try to give her lots of fruits and veggies. That means I am eating more veggies, not as much of the fruit though.

Anyway, it's not about the dieting part. That part is going ok. It's the exercising part. I've come to the realization (more like "acceptance") that it is absolutely crucial to exercise too. You have to move the body. Building muscle mass will increase metabolism and that is so important for permanent and lasting weight loss. So, I have to move more. We have a Wii fit. There is no reason I can't get up and move. Even with Robb gone through the week now for his new job, when Baby Girl (BG) falls asleep there's no reason I can't shake my groove thing. There are so many good exercises on Wii fit that I could be doing.

Not to mention that my house needs to be cleaned and I just keep sitting here on facebook and blogging and not getting stuff done like I need to. So, I am committing to no Facebook tomorrow (until the evening) when all the work is done. I'm gonna stay off of the computer tomorrow and get stuff done. I used to be so good at keeping my house absolutely perfect. I'd just put a movie in, you know, one that you have watched a million times so you don't have to pay direct attention to it. You can just listen while you work? I am going to pick out some good movies and get some work done. Plus, it'll get me off my fat keister and we all know that fat keister needs to get moved around. I think it's starting to take the shape of my recliner. Not good.

I haven't gone to a meeting yet, but I have rejoined WW. I started online. I will go to my first meeting Wednesday and I can't tell you how excited I am. So, here's to moving my rear and losing some weight.

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