Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Shake Your Groove Thang

  Honestly, I had no idea what title to give to today's blog. So there you have it. I have to share with you all that I am wearing the most adorable socks ever. They are pink with Miss Piggy on them and they say "Diva". They're so ME! Anyhoo, guess what tomorrow is? Yup! WEIGHS DAY!! Looking forward to it!

 If you have been following the blog from the beginning you know that I promised total honesty and that on the day I made said promise I also confessed to wearing maternity pants. I can now confess to you that I haven't worn any maternity pants in quite a while. Weeks, in fact. Aren't you so proud of me? heh heh Actually, my new "rockin-my-face-off" jeans are already getting loose. I even put them through the dryer (which I seldom do with new jeans) and they still are loose. Somebody's getting excited!

 I also have to say, "God bless Daylight Savings Time." I am a new woman these days. I love that it's light at 6 in the morning. It makes me feel like I got really good sleep. Going home in the dark isn't bad either. For some reason, it reminds me of Christmas and OH, how I LOVE Christmas (and Jesus). Oh yes, love love love. It's time to break out the John Denver and Muppets Christmas CD. When Miss Piggy sings, "five....goooooolden....rings.....ba da bum bum" I just get the chills. hehehe I love me some Miss Piggy. She's the original Diva if you ask me.

 Well, I have not tried any new recipes of late although there are loads and loads that I want to sample. Tonight I'm hanging with a friend so I doubt we cook anything new and adventurous. Tomorrow night, now there's another story. The hubby works until 7 which means I will have some time tomorrow night to actually cook up something fantastical. I'm going to go on the hunt for some amazing new recipe. It's gonna have to be a chicken based dish because, well, that's just about all we have at home these days.

 I love chicken. I could eat chicken every night for dinner for the rest of my life and not miss steak one single second. Or hamburger. Or pork. (Don't you worry your pretty head, Miss Piggy.) Robb on the other hand, he could eat steak at practically every meal for the rest of his life and the first thing he'd ask God for when he got to heaven would be, "Lord, got any steak? I'm gonna need A1 too." *grin* Love you, honey.

 So, tomorrow is the big day. I'm thinking I'll have a decent loss. Hope so anyway. I just have to be careful. It seems like I always pick these high-salty meals the day before Weighs Day and I think I retain water. So, no salt for me tonight. I'll be reporting in first thing in the morning. Woo hoo! Bring on the scales! Mama's not skeerd of ya!

 P.S. If anyone has a good chicken recipe for me to try, send it my way. Thanks so much! Happy Tuesday!

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