Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday Blues

  Really, I shouldn't be blue on this relatively nice Monday morning. I'm just exhausted from a really great, but action-packed weekend. First of all, we surprised Robb for his birthday on Saturday. That was a go-go-go kind of day. Then yesterday we played at the park- Lainie's first park experience. Super fun. We went to bed kind of late last night (because Robb had to watch the Cowboys game, but oh well, it was his birthday).

 We had the super duper lasagna for which I had hinted I would post over the weekend. I fully intended too but then did not have the time. I'll post it this week with the points. Obviously, I'm behind on my recipe provisions as I still havent' gotten to the green bean casserole, sweet potato pie, or the pumpkin pie recipe. But I will

 Next weekend is Lainie's birthday party (Wednesday is her 1st birthday *sniff, sniff*) She's getting to big too fast. But I've been told this happens. Anyway, it's going to be this glorious princess bash. Really, it's my dream birthday party lived out through her, because she doesn't have the choice.

 Well, I used flex points this weekend so I could enjoy birthday cake, but overall did pretty good! Happy Monday!

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