Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy November!!

 Wow! I can't believe we're already in to November. Where did October go?? Well, this is my favorite time of the year and therefore it always seems to fly by so quickly. Too quickly. With Halloween behind us it's now time for me to stock my car with all of my favorite Christmas CDs. Yeah. I start early. To be honest, if not for Lainie's birthday party being November 15th, I'd probably be putting our Christmas tree up now. I once put it up on November 1st. I love Christmas.

 Anyhoo, regarding WW, I splurged a bit over the weekend but have no worries! I used flex points. That's what they're there for. I still made really good choices food-wise so I'm sitting pretty. Also, do you remember a few weeks ago when I was super tired on a Monday morning and drove through McD's for a coffee and ended up with a hashbrown and cinnamelts too? Well, this morning I was desperate for some coffee and decided to drive through for a large hazelnut iced coffee. Only THIS time I got on dwlz.com from my phone (that website I told you all about where you can look up points for restaurants). I looked to see how many points stuff was. One hashbrown is 3 points (not worth it), one order of cinnamelts is 10.5 points (REALLY not worth it). One large iced hazelnut coffee is 6 points while a medium is 4.5. So, I skipped the hashbrown and cinnamelts and ordered a medium coffee. I think that's a personal victory!

 I want to give a quick shout out to the Progresso light Italian-Style Veggie soup. One serving (1/2 the can) is 0 points. I usually eat the whole can (it's so incredibly yummy) and it actually comes close enough to 2 points that I usually call it 2. But seriously- a whole can of soup for 2 flippin' points? That rocks my face off! Plus, I just stocked up on VitaTops so I'm having one for breakfast with my coffee. Mmmmm......

 Well, Happy Monday!


  1. way to go staying on track!! i'm proud of you bestie. so i'm curious, what's the normal amount of daily points? like how many should a meal consist of? i'm just curious. i like how 2pt cans of soup rock your face off. anything rocking your face off is just fun :)

    i would also like to know where october went, if you find out please tell me. and i love Christmas too! i think it's awesome you put your tree up november 1st.

  2. For points, you take the first 2 numbers of your weight (unless you weight under 100 pounds, and in that case- go fly a kite). To that you add points for height (I get 0 extra because I'm 4 foot nothing), then points depending on what you do all day (an office desk job is 0), and I think a point for being female and another for age. I don't remember. So there isn't a normal daily point value. It all depends. I get 5 extra points right now for nursing.
    I like to spend a bit more on meals because the more points I have left over the more I snack and I am trying not be a snacker.
    That soup is super delish. I mean it.
