Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Missing Me?

Suddenly I have the John Waite song in my head- "I ain't missin' you at all....missin' you....since you've been gone....away..." I love that song. I used to listen to JW all the time and even saw him in concert a few times. I heard an acoustic version of "When I See You Smile" and it was amazing. Anyway, I have no idea where that came from.

I've been missing. MIA. No blog. Nothing. Well, I was off work three days last week in preparation for Lainie's birthday bash. Well, that and I spent her actual birthday (Veteran's Day) just playing with her after I got her pics done. Oh my gosh. It was seriously the first time I've ever taken her for professional pics. She's usually such a ham for a picture. Of course, not when I'm paying someone to take them. But, what they did get of her turned out very cute so it was still worth it.

So, does being blog-MIA mean that I've been a bad girl? Call Santa, because this gal has landed on the naughty list! Yes, with all of the running around and cleaning and working I admit to eating some lousy food. Then there was the birthday party. Yep. Indulgence Central.

However, I'm happy to report that Robb and I are buying a Wii from his cousins for a VERY reasonable price so we've both started using the Wii Fit and playing games against each other on the Wii. Can I please tell you how much I totally L-O-V-E the Wii Fit? First of all, you make a little gal (or guy if you choose) to represent you. Super fun. Then you balance and weigh and it tracks the time you spend each day working out and as you add minutes to your work-out time piggy bank you unlock new and exciting activities. I love the yoga on there! Absolutely love it. It's so much fun. Robb and I have agreed to play games against each other each night and stop wasting so much time watching useless, mindless tv. I mean, we have tv shows that we're not gonna give up, but there aren't that many of them. Sons of Anarchy only has 2 eps left which means there will be nothing to watch on Tuesdays. Mondays we only watch Two and 1/2 Men (and Robb watches silly Wrestling...love you honey). Wednesdays are trickiest because Robb works the entire day and we usually like to relax while watching Modern Family (oh my gosh, so funny) and Cougar Town (started off strong, but starting to fade for me) and then we watch whatever MTV thing is on- right now it's a challenge but pretty soon it will be a new Real World. Thursdays I record Vampire Diaries but I'm starting to lose interest. So it's not like we have shows to watch every single second of the evening. I look for a lot of Wii time to be happening soon!

It seems I still owe you recipes. I promise I'll try but 3 days off work means about 3 weeks worth of work to return to. I'm trying to keep my head above water right now. But I will try. Happy Weighs Day (yeah, I totally forgot to weigh this morning but I will weigh tonight on the Wii....truth is, I thought today was Thursday and I was really excited until I realized I was wrong!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday Blues

  Really, I shouldn't be blue on this relatively nice Monday morning. I'm just exhausted from a really great, but action-packed weekend. First of all, we surprised Robb for his birthday on Saturday. That was a go-go-go kind of day. Then yesterday we played at the park- Lainie's first park experience. Super fun. We went to bed kind of late last night (because Robb had to watch the Cowboys game, but oh well, it was his birthday).

 We had the super duper lasagna for which I had hinted I would post over the weekend. I fully intended too but then did not have the time. I'll post it this week with the points. Obviously, I'm behind on my recipe provisions as I still havent' gotten to the green bean casserole, sweet potato pie, or the pumpkin pie recipe. But I will

 Next weekend is Lainie's birthday party (Wednesday is her 1st birthday *sniff, sniff*) She's getting to big too fast. But I've been told this happens. Anyway, it's going to be this glorious princess bash. Really, it's my dream birthday party lived out through her, because she doesn't have the choice.

 Well, I used flex points this weekend so I could enjoy birthday cake, but overall did pretty good! Happy Monday!

Friday, November 6, 2009

This Gal is Working for the Weekend

  Happy Friday!!! Isn't it always nice to wake up and realize it's Friday? I mean, even if you have to go to work you're still super excited because you know that the very second you're off work, it's THE WEEKEND!! And the weekend is what it's all about. 

 So, my weekend is going to be pretty eventful. First of all, we pick up Emily after work and I'm thinking chicken tacos for dinner. See recipe below. Then tomorrow the ladies are shopping while the hubby's a'workin'. Of course, we're actually shopping for the hubby since his birthday is Sunday. I'd like to send a shout out to my stud muffin hubby (because he really does read my blogs- he even quotes them sometimes- that's a hubby that should get a round of applause- *sound of applause*). HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROBEAR! I'm making lasagna for his birthday dinner Sunday. I know what you're thinkng- oooooooooooooh, you're gonna go over points! *tisk, tisk* Well, my finger-shaking friends, I actually have figured out a way to make it a bit easier on the points. Granted, with all of that cheesy goodness it's not going to be perfectly point-friendly. However, I bought reduced fat Sargento's shredded mozz cheese (they make a mean RF cheese) and light Riccotta cheese. So, right there I cut loads of fat. The rest of the meal isn't too awful- whole grain lasagna noodles, 90% lean ground beef, tomato sauce and paste, and spaghetti sauce packets (to make your own sauce) and none of those things are point killers. Super yummy! I'll just have to work my points right but I can still enjoy this tasty feast! Perhaps, if you're lucky, I'll share the secret family recipe for my mom's lasagna. There is literally nothing like it. Just ask anyone that's had it.

 Kendy's Super Yum Chicken Tacos (ok, they're just plain old chicken tacos, but hey, gotta throw my name on the recipe)

4-6 chicken breasts, skinless, boneless (we usually cook 4 large breasts)
2-3 tbsp taco seasoning (or one envelope)
8 flour tortillas (I just can't do the corn variety- super yuck)
Non-stick cooking spray

Lightly coat a skillet with spray. Cut chicken into bite sized pieces and add to the pan. Add seasoning. Cook until chicken is cooked through. Heat tortillas. Add chicken to tortillas.

Makes about 8 servings. Add whatever toppings you like. We love love love chicken tacos at my house.

NOTICE TO MOMS: This is a super, simple and quick recipe for dinner. I always keep the ingredients on hand for those nights I just don't feel like putting a lot of effort into dinner. I buy bags of frozen chicken breasts and just set out however many I need before I leave for work and voila!- dinner made easy.

NOTICE TO THE WEIGHT CONCIOUS: These tacos are sooooo incredibly easy on the points. Add fat free shredded cheddar (very low point) and salsa (which is free, my friend, free as a bird) and you have a very filling, healthy meal. I usually eat around 3 tacos for about 10 points. But that usually includes FF sour cream too!

Enjoy! Have a Happy Weekend! Happy Eating!

P.S. Our computer at home is finally off the fritz which means, that's right, I can blog from home (or even bed) again! You may have an extra blog this weekend and it just might contain the recipe for my world famous (oh, but it is- at least famous in my world) lasagna!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's Tomato Soup Day!!!

 So Walgreens has Tomato soup on sale for $.50 per can so I bought some and today, I'm having tomato soup for lunch. While it's an absolutely gorgeous day outside, it's chilly, and that's perfect for savoring some warm-the-tummy soup.

 Yesterday I was pretty bummed that I didn't have a better weight loss but then I decided that I know I'm doing well. I mean, I'm not wearing any maternity clothes anymore for crying out loud! (he he) The brand new jeans I just bought are fitting me loosely already, even when run through a piping-hot dryer. And I'm just feeling better all the time. I have more confidence. Even if it didn't show on the scales this week, those are my personal victories and the stuff I cling to when I'm feeling down about a small weight loss. Of course, there's also the point that the scales just keep going south and that's something to celebrate too. Maybe next week I'll have a super-pumpin', rock-my-face-off weight loss. But if I don't, I'm still eating super healthy and watching those points.

 Speaking of points, another victory I probably need to remind myself of is the fact that with my itty-bitty loss this week I actually dropped down into a lower "decade". That means that I lose a point which also means I'm doing the right stuff. I'm losing 5 more points here in about another week or so when I finally say goodbye to nursing and hello to a milk-drinking, one-year old.

 Still working on the recipe renovations, but fear not because they will be landing on a blog near you very soon! (heh heh) So, Happy Thursday! (and it really IS happy because that just means tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's Weighs Day (Week 6)

 Hello! Hello! Hello! It's Weighs Day! It's also middle-of-the-week day which is always nice. So, I didn't have the big loss I was looking for this week which is a bit discouraging, but I must charge on.

Week 6 Loss: .3       Total Loss: 5.5

 I defintely feel like my clothes are fitting better which is great, so it's surprising to me to come up short on the loss this week. I just have to tell myself that this is just what happens and to stay encouraged and move forward. That I am.

 I don't know if you saw or not, but the polls closed and it looks like I'm gonna be doing a recipe renovation. Actually, I'm working on the renovation for the green bean casserole right now. I'm going to go ahead and renovate Sweet Potato Pie and Pumpkin Pie as well, posting them as recipes of the week until Thanksgiving.

 Well, hope all is well with everyone and that your Weighs Day was great for you! Happy Eating!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Shake Your Groove Thang

  Honestly, I had no idea what title to give to today's blog. So there you have it. I have to share with you all that I am wearing the most adorable socks ever. They are pink with Miss Piggy on them and they say "Diva". They're so ME! Anyhoo, guess what tomorrow is? Yup! WEIGHS DAY!! Looking forward to it!

 If you have been following the blog from the beginning you know that I promised total honesty and that on the day I made said promise I also confessed to wearing maternity pants. I can now confess to you that I haven't worn any maternity pants in quite a while. Weeks, in fact. Aren't you so proud of me? heh heh Actually, my new "rockin-my-face-off" jeans are already getting loose. I even put them through the dryer (which I seldom do with new jeans) and they still are loose. Somebody's getting excited!

 I also have to say, "God bless Daylight Savings Time." I am a new woman these days. I love that it's light at 6 in the morning. It makes me feel like I got really good sleep. Going home in the dark isn't bad either. For some reason, it reminds me of Christmas and OH, how I LOVE Christmas (and Jesus). Oh yes, love love love. It's time to break out the John Denver and Muppets Christmas CD. When Miss Piggy sings, "five....goooooolden....rings.....ba da bum bum" I just get the chills. hehehe I love me some Miss Piggy. She's the original Diva if you ask me.

 Well, I have not tried any new recipes of late although there are loads and loads that I want to sample. Tonight I'm hanging with a friend so I doubt we cook anything new and adventurous. Tomorrow night, now there's another story. The hubby works until 7 which means I will have some time tomorrow night to actually cook up something fantastical. I'm going to go on the hunt for some amazing new recipe. It's gonna have to be a chicken based dish because, well, that's just about all we have at home these days.

 I love chicken. I could eat chicken every night for dinner for the rest of my life and not miss steak one single second. Or hamburger. Or pork. (Don't you worry your pretty head, Miss Piggy.) Robb on the other hand, he could eat steak at practically every meal for the rest of his life and the first thing he'd ask God for when he got to heaven would be, "Lord, got any steak? I'm gonna need A1 too." *grin* Love you, honey.

 So, tomorrow is the big day. I'm thinking I'll have a decent loss. Hope so anyway. I just have to be careful. It seems like I always pick these high-salty meals the day before Weighs Day and I think I retain water. So, no salt for me tonight. I'll be reporting in first thing in the morning. Woo hoo! Bring on the scales! Mama's not skeerd of ya!

 P.S. If anyone has a good chicken recipe for me to try, send it my way. Thanks so much! Happy Tuesday!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy November!!

 Wow! I can't believe we're already in to November. Where did October go?? Well, this is my favorite time of the year and therefore it always seems to fly by so quickly. Too quickly. With Halloween behind us it's now time for me to stock my car with all of my favorite Christmas CDs. Yeah. I start early. To be honest, if not for Lainie's birthday party being November 15th, I'd probably be putting our Christmas tree up now. I once put it up on November 1st. I love Christmas.

 Anyhoo, regarding WW, I splurged a bit over the weekend but have no worries! I used flex points. That's what they're there for. I still made really good choices food-wise so I'm sitting pretty. Also, do you remember a few weeks ago when I was super tired on a Monday morning and drove through McD's for a coffee and ended up with a hashbrown and cinnamelts too? Well, this morning I was desperate for some coffee and decided to drive through for a large hazelnut iced coffee. Only THIS time I got on dwlz.com from my phone (that website I told you all about where you can look up points for restaurants). I looked to see how many points stuff was. One hashbrown is 3 points (not worth it), one order of cinnamelts is 10.5 points (REALLY not worth it). One large iced hazelnut coffee is 6 points while a medium is 4.5. So, I skipped the hashbrown and cinnamelts and ordered a medium coffee. I think that's a personal victory!

 I want to give a quick shout out to the Progresso light Italian-Style Veggie soup. One serving (1/2 the can) is 0 points. I usually eat the whole can (it's so incredibly yummy) and it actually comes close enough to 2 points that I usually call it 2. But seriously- a whole can of soup for 2 flippin' points? That rocks my face off! Plus, I just stocked up on VitaTops so I'm having one for breakfast with my coffee. Mmmmm......

 Well, Happy Monday!