Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Aboard the Weight Loss Train

So, despite the fact that I have not been faithfully blogging as I very well should be, it does not mean that I have not been chugging right along the weight loss train. I'm down 38 pounds these days and I just have to report that many of my pants have become so baggy I can pull them down without unbuttoning or unzipping them. Ahhh.....the sweet taste of success is mine.

I've been making some pretty awesome recipes of late and when I stop being the derelict blogger that I have been lately, I will absolutely get posting.

In the meantime, this weight loss train is rolling out full steam ahead. Yee haw!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Charging Full Speed Ahead

Whew! I'm making so much progress with Operation: New Me. Ok, so I literally just dubbed my whole lose some weight and get healthy plan Operation: New Me, but I'm going with it. I've already reached my first personal goal and it feels good. My reward, you ask, because you know I have to reward myself? Well, I was going to do a mani-pedi but instead I'm going to treat myself to a massage. I haven't yet booked it, however, I will. Soon.

Life seems pretty simple these days and simiplicity is much welcome and appreciated, all things considered. Certain chapters of my life seem to have come to a close and they are definitely chapters I was quite ready to see end. Alas, new chapters all around. For starters, I'm considering a church change. That is, I think I want to return to my previous church. I'm praying about it and hopefully, I'll get the word soon. =)

Also, I have started straightening my hair and it makes me feel rather rockstarish. That combined with the weight loss, skin regimen, and that I'm-feeling-good-about-myself glow and this mama is feeling super rockstar these days! Not to be confused with being grown up, because that is something I refuse to do, grow up.

Tonight, if I have the time, I am going to attempt a low-carb zucchini bread. If the results are acceptable I will definitely post the recipe. It involves an all out substitution of flax meal for flour. Actually, I wanted to try it with almond flour, but I cannot find such a thing locally. I may have to break down and purchase it online. I'll keep you informed, fear not.

I have a feeling Prince Charming is well on his way to me. I hope he's ready for a chase because this Princess' heart will not be won so easily. =)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Farmer's Market Frenzy

I just can't help myself. Walking through a farmer's market has the same affect on me that walking through a shoe store has on my bestie (who owns more shoes than Ford has made cars). Just sayin'. Any hoo, I can't control myself is the point. This weekend I forced the mom and my baby girl to go with me. I bought so many goodies that I was in hog heaven. A wee bit too much of a hog, I might add. When I got all of my delicious find home I remembered that I am a single mom to one small child, not the keeper of an entire army's appetite. So, what does one do with so many goodies threatening to go bad before I can consume them? Here's one idea:

Farmer's Market Frenzy:

1- eggplant
1- zucchini
1- white onion
1- red bell pepper
3- cloves of garlic (what?? I love garlic. It's what drove Edward Cullen and I apart, but I chose garlic.)
Kosher salt
Olive oil

Sautee the onion  and garlic (minced) in the olive oil until it starts to carmelize. Add chopped zucch, eggplant, and pepper. Cover and let it cook for about 10 minutes. I add the salt towards the end because the veggies tend to cook down a lot and you might add too much at the beginning. I cover it to keep moisture in which keeps the veggies from sticking. I like my texture slightly mushed with the skins of the egg plant and zucch and the peppers adding a slight crunch. Fantastic flavors. Eggplant, to me, really doesn't have much flavor as it picks up the flavors of the dish. The carmelized onions add a touch of sweetness as does the garlic. So yummy. I'm eating leftover for lunch as I type and these veggies are even better the next day.

Farmer's Market Frenzy- so pretty and so delish

I expect to post more recipes as I attempt to cook my way through all of the farmer's market fair I purchased over the weekend. I nearly lost my sweet white-flesh peaches, but I just ate them all yesterday. What? It was only 3 and they're free on Weight Watchers.

Speaking of fruit, my new fruit love is....clementines. I love them. First of all, seriously cute name. I feel like it's really a nickname for them, you know, like men name their cars? No? Anyway, they're like super sweet miniature oranges and they're my new faves.

And, a little gossip on yours truly, I am now at -35 pounds. Woot. Plus, I got hit on yesterday at the grocery store by a hot guy. Yeah. Me. It happened. If I hadn't acted like a complete fool (you know, in total shock that said hot guy was flirting with me) perhaps he'd have asked for my digits. I'm going to start practicing. I will have to start frequenting the grocery store on my lunch hour more often.

Whip up some veggie goodness!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rockstar Crepes

So, last night I tried my hand at making crepes. For those unfamiliar with the task, having only sampled the goods when ordered at a restaurant, crepes take some special love and care to master. Master, I did not. However, I definitely made a tasty, golden crepe. Did I mention that I took care to remove all calories from them? Ok, so that's clearly not true. But I did remove the sugar!!! With the exception of the carbs in the fruit and the very minimal carbs in the sugar free whipped topping, I removed a bunch of calories. The crepes themselves were carb free, sugar free, and very low fat. So, how did I achieve the rockstar crepes? Allow me to take you on my crepe-making journey. For future reference, any time I revamp a recipe and make it low carb, low sugar, or low fat, I will be referring to it as Rockstar *insert food name*

Kendy's Rockstar Crepes

3 oz- lite cream cheese (if you like fat free, which I loathe, feel free to substitute)
2- eggs- beaten (technically, you could probably substitute 4 egg whites, however, I personally have nothing against a little yolk in my life)
2-3 packets of Truvia sweetener (use what you like here)
Cinnamon- if you love cinn, use lots, if not, use less- it's sort of a "duh" thing

The cream cheese needs to be soft. I mean, really soft. Nuke it for a couple of secs if need be. The eggs I recommend taking out and leaving out for about 5 minutes to take a bit of the chill off. I make no claims to know whether or not leaving eggs out for about 5 minutes pre-cooking is safe. I just know that I did and I'm alive. First, beat the eggs well. Next, add in the cream cheese and blend until good and smooth. If your eggs are too cold or the cream cheese is not softened enough (room temp softened!) then you'll have bits of cream cheese clump and that is NOT what you want. It'll take away from the crepe's texture. Then add in the sweetener and cinnamon. Blend.

Ok, heat up a small skillet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. I recommend butter flavored, but what do I know? I'm just a rockstar. =) Spray it good. Once the skillet is good and hot pour in enough batter to cover the bottom but don't make it too thick of a layer. Immediately start jostling the skillet back and forth. What you want to happen is that it eventually slides around the skillet. Add more spray right over the crepe if need be and use a spatula to loosen sides if necessary to get it slide around. Once it's sliding good, you need to flip it over. Take care here because these babies are very fragile little creations and will tear apart quite easily. My suggestion is a flat, plastic spatula that you use to get the crepe up enough to slide a spoon (using the back of the spoon) under it to get the spatula under as much of the crepe as possible so that it doesn't tear. Then flip it over. FOR BRAVE SOULS ONLY: FLIP IT IN THE AIR. Shamefully, I admit I was not a brave soul. Next time. Anyhoo, once flipped leave it less than a minute. They cook up quick. Set aside on a plate to cool. Do the same 3 more times. Each batter recipe makes about 4 crepes.

Filling them:

My suggestion is to use fresh fruits and sugar free Cool Whip. However, I have been toying with making a chocolate cream to use in them. The recipe idea I have is something like this:

1- small container of fat free, plain greek yogurt*
1-2 tsp cocoa
Truvia to taste

Mix and add sweetener until it tastes sweet enough. Might have to play around with the cocoa too in order to get it the right amount of chocolately yumminess. I'll report back when I try it.

*I specifically  chose greek yogurt here for a good reason. Have you ever had it? If so, you know that it is a thick creamy food. Thicker than regular yogurt. Plus, it's jam packed with protein. About double what regular yogurts have. I think it's got just the right amount of body to hold up to the cocoa and to make a nice creamy texture inside the crepe.

So, try them and ROCK ON!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Thing

I've tried and tried to lose weight over the years. But reality is, it's darn hard. Especially if you're an emotional eater, like myself. As many know, I've been through quite a lot in the past couple of years. What I have learned about losing weight is, the saying that if you do it for a month it becomes habit really doesn't apply in many cases. It hasn't ever for me. I lose a little, something sets me back, and then I'm off. Way off. I gain back the weight I lose and then some. It's a never ending patter and it sucks. So what does it take?

It takes "the thing". Whatever "the thing" is, it's something that motivates you for the right reasons. It's a lasting inspiration, push, driving force. I haven't ever gotten "the thing" before. Until now. I've eaten healthier since having my baby girl because I want her to be a healthy eater and I definitely don't want her to inherit my weight and food issues. So, I've kept healthy foods around the house. You won't find candy or cookies. No potato chips. Not even chocolate. But I overeat. And it's the eating at work that gets me too.

About a month and a half ago I started having dizzy spells and my blood sugar was dropping. I've always been borderline hypoglycemic so I figured it was getting worse. I went to the doctor only to find out that I'm now borderline diabetic. He ordered me to lose weight and get moving immediately. I almost cried. I walked out that day devastated and depressed. But I also walked out with "the thing". Suddenly, I look at food completely different. I, emotionally and mentally, don't want the stuff I know is bad for me. I have a chance to turn this around and not have to live with diabetes. If I have a second chance, then by golly, I'm gonna take it.

Interestingly, I had been praying that God would help me find my motivation. Prayer: answered. I have it. This time it isn't because a family member hurt my feelings and belittled me into it. It isn't because I want the attention of some boy (heck no- he's gonna have to earn my attention! Just sayin'.). It isn't because I hate the way I look, although I hadn't been happy with my appearance, avoiding mirrors at all costs. This time, I'm ready to be the person I'm meant to be. To stop diabetes before it becomes a reality. To get healthy and ensure that my baby girl is learning healthy eating.

In five weeks I've lost 22 pounds. I'm already wearing a smaller size. And I'm feeling amazing. I cut off my hair and I've been wearing it straight. Today I actually got into a pair of pants I received as a Christmas present that I have never been able to wear. Five weeks ago I could hardly get them over my rear. Two weeks ago I couldn't zip them. Today, yeah, I'm wearing those suckers, along with a shirt that now fits me.

I have an end goal. But I also have smaller goals along the way. I'm 12 pounds away from my first one. I've already hit 2 WW goals. I feel amazing. =) And I'm pretty sure that this newfound confidence and my cute outfit and super fun shoes make me LOOK amazing too!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bell Ringer, Baby!!

Let me tell you about my weekend. Insane. For starters, Friday night I had a Scentsy party at my house. Well, this happened to be a day that my darling BG chose to be ill, runny nose, horrible cough and all. I left work around noon and headed to Walgreens to pick up necessities for said shindig. However, at Walgreens, lest it be on sale, you will forfeit an arm and a leg for simple goods. So I didn't purchase much. So, I selected the following items:
1- 2 liter Pepsi
1- 2 liter Diet Pepsi
1- box brownie mix (aye, aye, aye)
1- bag Lays potato chips
1- bag pretzels
1- french onion dip
1- package cream cheese (for a cheeseball)
If you can, tell me what of these many products was really acceptable for a Week 3 WW attendee to purchase? If you said Diet Pepsi, you would be right. So, I made said brownies and cheeseball which I served with pretzels, chips, and dip. And I consumed some of each. Before you scold me with your disciplining glare, I have to tell you that I counted the points. I did go over, using a generous portion of my weekly points. But I still counted them.

 Not the end of the world. Except that on top of such tasty morsels right at my fingertips I had a visitor from a not-so-welcome friend. If you have to ask, you needn't know. Needless to say, I was bloated, cramp-ridden, and headache-struck most of the weekend. I felt blah and I ate comfort food the entire time. Again, I counted my points. In all, I used about half of my weekly allowance. (Side Note: For non-WW saavy individuals, WW gives you an allotted point bank per day which you are supposed to use in its entirety. You are also given a weekly point bank that you may use, but are not required to. It is not frowned upon or forbidden for you to use such points.)

Today, all I wanted was .6 pound loss to make my first 5. It's all I asked for, and much to my surprise, I got more. I lost 3.2 pounds today! I removed my ring, my sweater-jacket, and even breathed out every last ounce of air in my lungs, which may or may not helped. I was super excited. Not to mention- I got to the ring the bell and earned my very first nifty star sticker with a cute little 5 in the middle to represent losing 5 pounds. I probably should just relish in my victory and not look to next week quite yet, however, I am hopeful to lose another 2.4 for a total 10- giving me my second 5 pound loss AND the honor and privilege of being a bell-ringer two weeks in a row.

Look out world! I'm going to be famous! Even more famous than JHud. Just sayin'.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Weighsday Success

I didn't get a chance to report yesterday. But I lost 4.4 pounds. Woo hoo! I was pretty excited. I'm loving this program with the free fruits and all. Feeling rather blah today though so I don't have much to say other than I'm staying on track and looking forward to making my "first 5" next week!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

C'est la Vie

 I had a lovely 3-day weekend. The weather was incredible for late February. Plus, I stayed completely on program the whole, entire weekend. I'm pretty happy with myself today. I mean, my weekend included lots of temptations. I had lunch at Red Lobster on Saturday with the fam and I ate a Caesar Salad (7.5pts- totally worth it to me- I L-O-V-E their salad), 1 (you read that right, 1) cheddar bay biscuit, because they're 4.5pts and while I love them, I didn't want to fill up on bread. I also ate 2 servings of shrimp scampi which, as it turns out, is only 5pts each. That may sound like a lot of points but I still had plenty left and it was well worth it. Plus, since fruit is now free on the new WW Points Plus program I snacked on grapes and apples during the morning. (Side Note: OMG. I just said I snacked on fruit. I am so a super model these days. ~tee hee~) Then on Sunday I had McDonald's for lunch and pizza for dinner. I realize this sounds like I'm making horrible choices, but the truth is I ate pretty healthy. I had a cheeseburger and a yogurt parfait from McD's, opting out of fries because they just weren't worth the points. Then I ate about 6 small squares of pizza (kind of like Cassano's Pizza, if you're familiar- mmmmm.....Cassano's!) Anyway, I totally stayed on track. Then yesterday, I met my wonder second mother (Christie) for Culver's. Now, you might think I was all out torturing myself and just begging for failure. Not true, kind friends. I looked up all of the points and planned my meal before I went. I had a single cheese burger and a small fry, which I shared with my baby girl, who is also a small fry. I just cracked myself up. I do that sometimes. But I digress. All in all, a weekend I am most proud of considering I faced some pretty tempting places.

 I want to document this for myself because it always happens that the first few weeks and months are the easiest. Starting a new program, losing weight a little more quickly, etc. But then you hit those pesky plateaus that cause you to consider giving up the fight. So, I want to remind myself of what just one week on the plan has done for me. I feel amazing. I'm sure it's all of those fruits with their body-loving, health benefits. I'm actually craving healthy food now. Last week, my back hurt. My lower back is always bothering me. But this week, it isn't. In just one week, eating healthier (and filling my belly just a little less) is making a huge difference. Not to mention, every time I look in the mirror I think, "you know, I'm kinda cute". Generally, I avoid mirrors. How about that for a reason to stay on track. Plus, I have so much energy. I really do think all of those horrible carbs and heavy foods and beverages drag you down. I feel so amazing. I usually feel so tired in the afternoons because I eat horrible lunches. Do you know how many times I've eaten a snack size bag of Combos and drank a Wild Cherry Pepsi. What, am I in college or something?? Geesh. Today, I packed a can of tuna, lettuce with salad dressing for a salad, and a bag of orange slices for lunch. I know, right! How healthy is that?? For breakfast I ate a grapefruit (I did! I'm such a super model) and drank coffee with just some FF vanilla creamer in it. I gave up sugar in my coffee. I also have lots of sparkling, flavored water in the fridge at work now. No more soda!

 I just read a WW success story about a woman you lost about what I'm looking to lose. I'm too embarrassed at this stage to go into those kind of intimate details, but what I liked is that she had a lot of weight to lose and set smaller goals along the way and rewarded herself at each one. Her reward for getting to her goal weight was to jump out of an airplane. It got me thinking about what I want my rewards to be. If I set smaller goals and give myself big rewards, I think maybe it'll really help me look at a smaller picture instead of the bigger and kind of scary/overwhelming picture. So, for my first small goal I am going to reward myself with the Rosetta Stone series for learning French. I've always wanted to learn French. I don't know about the in between goals yet, but for my final weight goal I am going to reward myself with a trip to Paris! I'm going to overcome that fear of flying and I'm going to Paris! And, by then, I'll speak the language. Maybe I'll even pick myself up a hunky Parisian man! C'est la vie! (See, I already know some French)

Friday, February 18, 2011

I'll Have Half a Grapefruit, Thank You

I am officially on my way to becoming a super model. I just ate a grapefruit for breakfast. Yes. You read that right. A grapefruit. If you know me, you know that generally I don't even eat breakfast, but if I do it's generally some sugary, fatty, yummy pastry. I also usually drink coffee. Or, I should clarify, I used to drink a little coffee with my 4 lbs of sugar and container of creamer. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. But the point is, I'm eating a grapfruit! For breakfast! And no one is holding me against my will and forcing me to. I sprinkled a little bit of Truvia on it. (Side Note: Truvia is the best, hands down, artificial sweetener of all time. It's even granulated like real sugar and it does not, I repeat, does NOT have that chemically taste that so many of those evil sweeteners have.) So, I'm well on my way to being a supermodel. (Think- "I'll just have half a grapfruit, thank you" in a very snobby tone. Yep, that's me.)

 I've been begging God to give me the "want to", my mind into this diet. Yeah, I know I shouldn't call it a diet. It's a new lifestyle. A new way to eat. Either way, I've been begging, nay PLEADING with God to give me that want to. And today, my friends, I have it. I have the want to. I'm even excited. First of all, WW new plan allows you to eat any fresh fruit for free. Fuh-oh-er fuh-reh-ee. I've eaten grapes and apples and, well, grapefruit. I'm totally taking advantage of the free fruits. Which is actually good, in turn, because that means I'm not snacking on carb-laden sweet treats. Nope. Fruit. Last night I made meatloaf (the best meatloaf of all time, you should know) and it was only 4 points per serving so I ate 3!! I was stuffed. But I was happy. That might sound like a lot but you actually get more points with this new program. However, high-carb foods cost more now too, thus also giving you that extra motivation to grab a free fruit. And protein is a factor in a good way so it makes some stuff lower in points. Like, my amazing meatloaf.

 Today, I'm going to Olive Garden. Before you start laughing at me, believing that I just flushed my "I'll have half a grapefruit, supermodel wannabe new lifestyle" down the proverbial toilet, hear me out. I have figured up all of the points it's going to cost me. And, I'm going with my WW buddy, which is always the right thing to do. We're each getting lunch portions of our fave dishes, two breadsticks and we're splitting alfredo dipping sauce. No salad. Don't judge me. One serving of their salad was gonna cost me more, MORE I say, than my Ravioli di Portabello pasta dish. So, salad was out. I don't like it enough to sacrifice that many points.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish my half a grapefruit!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm Baaa-aaaa-aaa-aaaack!!!!

So, here it is. I originally created this blog to be for losing weight. You know, losing weight little bits at a time. ~tee hee~ I crack myself up sometimes. Anyhoo, I've gotten on and off the "diet" roller coaster several times since starting this blog. And now, the time is once again upon me to resume my weight losing efforts. I'm actually at a quite wonderful place in my life now. I've efficiently licked my wounds from past hurts and the stress has delved down to a minimum. I'm off to quite the amazing start. I lost about 250 pounds on November 15, 2010. =) heh heh Did you catch that one? As in a whole person? heh heh Trust me when I say that by the time November 15th rolled around I was quite ready to part with that, uh, weight. So, like I said, I'm off to a great start. I have absolutely no reason not to get my head in the game.

 But that's where it's the most difficult for me, yet the most important place to start- the head. I don't know if it's true for men as it is for women. But if a woman's head isn't in it, it ain't gonna happen. Whether you're talking about "baby-making" activities  or losing weight, you've got to be committed to it in your mind or else you don't have the motivation to get turned on. To a diet, people! Minds out of the gutter. It is in this one area that I have failed miserably time and time again. It doesn't help to grow up being told that the standard is to be "skinny minnie" and "anorexic thin". So, at an early age I had a total misconception of my body. Boy, what I wouldn't give to go back and tell my high school self, "honey, you are perfect the way you are." C'est la vie. We all have baggage hanging around that keeps us from totally committing to things that could and would better us. I am great at committing for a time, in the moment, when I'm all jazzed up to lose weight. Give me about 3 weeks and I'm right back to the place of being uncontented. *sigh*

 I have a million and one reasons to lose weight, none quite as important as my baby girl. But isn't it amazing that sometimes, even the biggest motivator still isn't enough in those stressful moments when chocolate sings out to us, "I'll be there for you when the rain starts to fall..." (Friends theme song) And chocolate is such a good friend, he always sticks around- on your thighs! I have a little post-it note stuck to my computer at work that says, "If hunger isn't the problem, then eating isn't the solution." I think that's a great saying for someone like me. But how many times have I engulfed a chocolate bar sitting right in front of that note? Too many to count. It's all about getting your head in the game. It's all about making up your mind to commit.

 I am at the heaviest weight I've ever been. Yep. I'm just putting it right out there. But I am. I've been telling myself I have to get a handle on things and get my head in the game and start losing weight. I need to. For me. For my baby girl. For life. My co-worker decided she wanted to start attending Weight Watcher meetings and she asked me if I'd go along so she didn't have to go alone. I'm a pro at the meetings. I've been countless times. I've just stopped when I shouldn't have. So, today I attended my first meeting in a couple of years. It's a new program and I've been avoiding it. No longer.

 So this week, I'm committing to just getting started. Just doing it. Day by day. Hour by hour. Minute by minute. And sometimes, second by bloody second! I'm already ahead of the game. I'm not even wearing maternity pants this go 'round! hehehe