Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Charging Full Speed Ahead

Whew! I'm making so much progress with Operation: New Me. Ok, so I literally just dubbed my whole lose some weight and get healthy plan Operation: New Me, but I'm going with it. I've already reached my first personal goal and it feels good. My reward, you ask, because you know I have to reward myself? Well, I was going to do a mani-pedi but instead I'm going to treat myself to a massage. I haven't yet booked it, however, I will. Soon.

Life seems pretty simple these days and simiplicity is much welcome and appreciated, all things considered. Certain chapters of my life seem to have come to a close and they are definitely chapters I was quite ready to see end. Alas, new chapters all around. For starters, I'm considering a church change. That is, I think I want to return to my previous church. I'm praying about it and hopefully, I'll get the word soon. =)

Also, I have started straightening my hair and it makes me feel rather rockstarish. That combined with the weight loss, skin regimen, and that I'm-feeling-good-about-myself glow and this mama is feeling super rockstar these days! Not to be confused with being grown up, because that is something I refuse to do, grow up.

Tonight, if I have the time, I am going to attempt a low-carb zucchini bread. If the results are acceptable I will definitely post the recipe. It involves an all out substitution of flax meal for flour. Actually, I wanted to try it with almond flour, but I cannot find such a thing locally. I may have to break down and purchase it online. I'll keep you informed, fear not.

I have a feeling Prince Charming is well on his way to me. I hope he's ready for a chase because this Princess' heart will not be won so easily. =)

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad you refuse to grow up! cause i refuse to grow up and people who refuse to grow up don't mesh well with those who have. haha i love the last paragraph, I totally believe that ;) and i love that he will have to chase you, as he should! you are a rockstar darling :) keep up the excellent work!!
