Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I'll Have Half a Grapefruit, Thank You

I am officially on my way to becoming a super model. I just ate a grapefruit for breakfast. Yes. You read that right. A grapefruit. If you know me, you know that generally I don't even eat breakfast, but if I do it's generally some sugary, fatty, yummy pastry. I also usually drink coffee. Or, I should clarify, I used to drink a little coffee with my 4 lbs of sugar and container of creamer. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. But the point is, I'm eating a grapfruit! For breakfast! And no one is holding me against my will and forcing me to. I sprinkled a little bit of Truvia on it. (Side Note: Truvia is the best, hands down, artificial sweetener of all time. It's even granulated like real sugar and it does not, I repeat, does NOT have that chemically taste that so many of those evil sweeteners have.) So, I'm well on my way to being a supermodel. (Think- "I'll just have half a grapfruit, thank you" in a very snobby tone. Yep, that's me.)

 I've been begging God to give me the "want to", my mind into this diet. Yeah, I know I shouldn't call it a diet. It's a new lifestyle. A new way to eat. Either way, I've been begging, nay PLEADING with God to give me that want to. And today, my friends, I have it. I have the want to. I'm even excited. First of all, WW new plan allows you to eat any fresh fruit for free. Fuh-oh-er fuh-reh-ee. I've eaten grapes and apples and, well, grapefruit. I'm totally taking advantage of the free fruits. Which is actually good, in turn, because that means I'm not snacking on carb-laden sweet treats. Nope. Fruit. Last night I made meatloaf (the best meatloaf of all time, you should know) and it was only 4 points per serving so I ate 3!! I was stuffed. But I was happy. That might sound like a lot but you actually get more points with this new program. However, high-carb foods cost more now too, thus also giving you that extra motivation to grab a free fruit. And protein is a factor in a good way so it makes some stuff lower in points. Like, my amazing meatloaf.

 Today, I'm going to Olive Garden. Before you start laughing at me, believing that I just flushed my "I'll have half a grapefruit, supermodel wannabe new lifestyle" down the proverbial toilet, hear me out. I have figured up all of the points it's going to cost me. And, I'm going with my WW buddy, which is always the right thing to do. We're each getting lunch portions of our fave dishes, two breadsticks and we're splitting alfredo dipping sauce. No salad. Don't judge me. One serving of their salad was gonna cost me more, MORE I say, than my Ravioli di Portabello pasta dish. So, salad was out. I don't like it enough to sacrifice that many points.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish my half a grapefruit!