Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Karaoke is Good for the Soul

I had the privilege this weekend of escorting my Bestie, Cara, around town for her birthday celebration, albeit 2 weeks late. Nonetheless, it was our night to shine, particularly hers, as we hit Appleby's for dinner and Margaritas (I was DD so did not participate in any consumption of Margs though they smelled deliciosa!) After some fine dining and conversation, we headed to a bar and grill for some karaoking (as well as some more Margs for CJ).

Now, it has to be known that there have been some areas of my life in recent months that have, let's just say, sucked. I know, it's not the kindest word to use but it certainly summarizes it to a tee. So, a night out with the BFF for "nuthin' but sum fun" was exactly what this battered soul needed (yes, again, dramatic license- get used to it!) So, there I sat amongst people who were letting it all go with the swig of a beer here, a swig of a Marg there, and I slowly became envious of their freedom to let it all go. Many a buzzed folk hounded me to sing (yeah, this is a bit of an exaggeration really- I wanted to anyway) but I kept thinking that the last time I karaokied I was not a wife or a mother or a saint (well, I'm only 2 out 3 of those now, but hey, according to Meat "two outta three ain't bad) and I was a bit fershnickered, enough so that I belted out "Picture" by Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock and then followed it with Eminem's "Lose Yourself". (Yes, I rapped. It was as good as could be expected from a white, usually wholesome, girl.)

So there I sat wishing I had the guts to get up and proudly sing one of the numerous songs I would practice in my car in case such an occasion arose. Then it finally hit me- I may not be intoxicated but the rest of the bar was! So, I agreed to sing "Heartbreak Hotel" by Elvis (whose long, lost love-child I may very well turn out to be). And you know what? I wasn't half bad. At least, according to those around me. It felt good. I mean, really good. There I stood, stone-cold sober, microphone in hand, belting out Heartbreak Hotel with complete abandon. I also sang "Suspicious Minds" while CJ and Lou sang back up and "Black" by Pearl Jam which was definitely not well thought through as it was entirely butchered, but oh well. I also sang "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and "Margaritaville" with CJ and her BF Greg (who I constantly remind may be the BF but that I'm the BFF and the extra "F" says it all). It was a good night.

Lessons learned- 1. If you want to sing karaoke but you're sober, remember- everyone else is drunk so what's the difference? and more importantly, 2. Karaoke really is good for the soul.

1 comment:

  1. this night was so fun, we HAVE to do it again! seriously you have a great singing voice. i hope you are practicing more songs you want to sing for next time. i need some karaoke, cause you are right, it is good for the soul. as are margaritas :D
