Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Just the Facts, M'am

So, as I endeavor to begin a blog so many ideas are running through this fast-paced mind of mine. For instance, will there be a movie made about my cooking experiences, like Julie and Julia? Will I become famous for my poetic parlay into the blogging realm? What should my first blog be about?
So, I think this should be an introduction of the woman and the madness that may follow. First and foremost, see, I'm a princess. No, no! It's totally true. After all, I'm a daughter of a king. In fact, I'm a daughter of THE KING. As daughter of kings go that makes me a bonafide princess.
Second, I'm a wife and mother (including a step-mom). Married for a bit over 2 years, I'm learning so much about the roller coaster that life can be through my marriage. There are ups that can be so exciting. There can be downs that seem really scary. But all in all, I'm learning and that's all one can hope for in life. I have two lovely step-daughters who probably don't quite know the extent of their loveliness. There's Emily who just turned 13 in every way a kid "turns 13". Teenagers- you have to feel sorry for them for we all know that 13 is just the beginning of a rough ride and transition into young adulthood. Emily's a very bright kid though and I have great hopes for her future. Then there's Bella who is getting ready to turn 6. Bella is the most energetic kid I've ever known. Bubbling over with life, this kid knows how to get the laughs, but get to the root of her and she really does have a good heart. She absolutely loves her sisters. (Being blessed with her in my life has also blessed me with a budding friendship with her mom- a very cool lady) Last, but certainly not least, is Lainie Lou. She has become the light in my heart. Nothing in this cold, cruel world (I'm taking some dramatic license here) could ever be so bad that would keep me from smiling every time I look at her little face. (I'm gonna blog about her at a later date or this posting will get insane).
I love to cook and cook. In fact, my next career will be in the culinary field. It's my passion. I also enjoy scrapbooking when the occasion allows but unfortunately, I just can't seem to find enough hours in the day sometimes. I look forward to blogging about new recipes and fiascoes that accompany them.
While I fill my days with lawyering, my evenings are filled with those I love. And now- this blog! I hope you enjoy what's yet to come!

1 comment:

  1. You are off to a GREAT start! I look forward to reading more posts from you.

    Sue Walker
